problem in casting varchar to float

  • i have a problem in casting varchar to float ..

    when the number is very big in the varchar variable, the transered number is rounded !!

    here is an example in transfering cheque number


    @Check nvarchar (25) , @CheckinCheques float

    set @Check= '9999999999999999999999998'

    set  @CheckinCheques =convert(float,@Check)


    print @CheckinCheques 

    the output is

    1e+025      = =  10000000000000000000000000

    also i used cast instead of convert

    set  @CheckinCheques =cast(@Check as float)

    but it gives me the same output

     how can I solve this problem??

     Many thanks to all who respond,

    Alamir Mohamed

  • Float and Real are for approximate values only.

    How realistic is your '9999999999999999999999998' figure?

  • You could try using the DECIMAL datatype instead, although the internal storage requirements are much higher. Here's an example that maintains 4 decimal places. You can, of course, change that as needed.

    DECLARE @Check nvarchar(25), @CheckinCheques float, @CDec Decimal(38,4)

    SET @Check = '9999999999999999999999998'

    SET @CheckinCheques = Convert(float, @Check)

    SET @CDec = Convert(Decimal(38,4), @Check)

    PRINT @CheckinCheques

    PRINT @CDec

  • i need this accuracy because it is a cheque number ..

    what about if i change the column to long integer ? .. does the result will be accurate

    Alamir Mohamed

  • If it is a cheque number does it have to be recorded as a physical number?  Can it be kept as a sting?

    Computers do integer arithmetic accurately.  The golden rule is never to do equality checks between floating point numbers.

  • i try now to convert the column to decimal(18,0) .. but does this will be fast in inner Join (if the 2 columns are decimal) ?

    Alamir Mohamed

  • I think the speed depends on the storage size which is 9 bytes for decimal(18, 0) and 8 bytes for floa. I think comparing decimals will be somewhat slower (more than just (9 - 8) / 8 * 100% since 8 bytes is a 32 bits exact multiple, and 9 bytes would probably be compared as three times 32 bits, but this is just an opinion).

    But storing those big numbers as decimal is still your best bet, since comparing floats is troublesome and is an approximate number (see, . And storing as varchar or worse nvarchar, will require 18 or 36 bytes.

    So i recommend you go ahead and use the decimal data type for this job.

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