problem in customising a result set .plz help..

  • I am getting the out put of a query as

    SN NodeName NodeValue

    1 Address address1

    1 Address address2

    1 Address address3

    2 city kol

    3 providerID 1

    3 providerID 3

    3 providerID 2

    actually the result set can be different .I mean the colvalue and row value will be dynamic

    now i have to just customize it to like.I have to make it generalised

    ProviderId Address City

    1 address1 NULL

    2 address2 NULL

    3 address3 kol

    Please help me out..Can it be done using pivot/unpivot

  • Your requirement isn't clear. Could you post example tables, data and expected results in a format that allows others to run it, helping others to help you.

    An example of how to do this is

    Steve Hall
    Blog Site

  • I am getting the out put of a query as

    SN NodeName NodeValue

    1 Address address1

    1 Address address2

    1 Address address3

    2 city kol

    3 providerID 1

    3 providerID 3

    3 providerID 2

    now i have to just customize(re-arrange) it to different record set.

    ProviderId Address City

    1 address1 NULL

    2 address2 NULL

    3 address3 kol

  • Is theere any releationship between ProviderId, Address and City. If then use PIVOT

  • Where in the Sample Data does it show that the city is mapped to address 3??...What is the logic behind the city being mapped to Address 3 and not 1 or 2??

    The Sample data is not very clear and you need to be more specific about your requirement and the Logic behind the requirement.

    Please elaborate a little more on the requirement.

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • suvo.kundu (9/10/2012)

    I am getting the out put of a query as

    SN NodeName NodeValue

    1 Address address1

    1 Address address2

    1 Address address3

    2 city kol

    3 providerID 1

    3 providerID 3

    3 providerID 2

    now i have to just customize(re-arrange) it to different record set.

    ProviderId Address City

    1 address1 NULL

    2 address2 NULL

    3 address3 kol

    Did not get clear idea of your requirement 🙁

    Please let us know what you tried and then may be somebody can help you.

    To post your question use below link

  • Actually i have a dynamic XML.I have only the starting root node of the xml.The child nodes are dynamic keeps on changing ...I have to translate to it into a tabular form

    providerID Address city

    1 address1 NULL

    2 address2 NULL

    3 address3 kol

    Declare @xml xml

    Set @xml =

















    dense_rank() OVER (ORDER BY C.value('local-name(.)', 'varchar(50)')) AS 'SN',

    NodeName = C.value('local-name(.)', 'varchar(50)')

    , NodeValue = C.value('(.)[1]', 'varchar(50)')

    FROM @xml.nodes('/XML/Provider/*') AS T(C)

    The output of this is

    SN NodeName NodeValue

    1 Address address1

    1 Address address2

    1 Address address3

    2 city kol

    3 providerID 1

    3 providerID 3

    3 providerID 2

    I just need to re arrange this record set to

    providerID Address city

    1 address1 NULL

    2 address2 NULL

    3 address3 kol

    plz help!!

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