Problem in emailing reports.(urgent)

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to email a report of mine for which i have made a subscription and i have scheduled using a shared schedule but the subscription does not run at its scehduled time. I checked the 'last run' tab of my subscription and it was blank even after the scheduled time and the 'status' tab showed it as new subscription.

    Because of this i'm not able to know why my reports are not getting emailed. Please help me on this as i'm new to SSRS.

    I tried of making a data driven subscription but i'm not able to see that tab in the subscriptions tab of my report.What settings do i need to do to view it?



  • hi,

    Please make sure you have subscription (not data driven subscription).

    Make sure You select 'REPORT SERVER EMAIL' in Delivered by.

    WHen you select schedule, please make sure your stop this schedule on should be blank. If there is any date then it will not send the email at specified time.

    If you still find problem, let me know.

    it must be some silly setting you might be missing.

    hope it helps.

  • Hi,

    Check whether SQL Server Agent is running.

  • First of all, data-driven subscriptions are only possible with the Enterprise version of SQL Server.

    You might check the event viewer on the SQL Server box for error messages. Our site was configured using the Network Services account, which had no authority into the database, resulting in no email generation. The event viewer revealed this to us.

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