problem in executing VARCHAR value using SP_EXECUTESQL.

  • Dear All,

    I wrote below procedure and it's working fine.

    But it throws error when I change datatype of @strSql to VARCHAR.

    Can anyone tell me why so..?????. Why it must be of type NVARHCAR..?

    cREATE Procedure [dbo].[Proc_AMS_GetSearchData]

    @Type varchar(50),

    @Status varchar(50),

    @ColumnName varchar(50),

    @Criteria varchar(50)



    DECLARE @strSql nVARCHAR(500) ---- this doesn't work when I change to VARCHAR....

    SET @strSql = ''

    SET @strSql = 'SELECT reqId,SubjectRequest,requestDate FROM tbl_AMS_M_CapexRequest'

    SET @strSql = @strSql + ' WHERE RequestType = ''' + @Type + ''''

    SET @strSql = @strSql + ' AND requestStatus = ''' + @Status+ ''''

    SET @strSql = @strSql + ' AND ' + @ColumnName + ' LIKE '''+ @Criteria + '%'''




    Santhosh Nair.

  • Hello,

    According to BOL the input to sp_executesql "Is a Unicode string that contains a Transact-SQL statement or batch. stmt must be either a Unicode constant or a variable that can be implicitly converted to ntext."

    So it not allowed to be be a normal VarChar.


    John Marsh
    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

  • Thank you so much Marsh...

    What's BOL by the way..?

    Once again thanks,


    Santhosh Nair.

  • Hello,

    BOL is short for (SQL Server) Books Online.


    John Marsh
    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

  • The Books Onliine are usually part of the client install, although you can choose to not install them.

    They're also available online at Microsoft:

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

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