problem in where clause [urgent]

  • select Suppliers.CompanyName as Suppliers,

    COUNT(CASE WHEN datepart(hh,TransactionDate) = 22 THEN dbo.TransactionLineItems.PinID END) AS [10:00 PM],  

    COUNT(CASE WHEN datepart(hh,TransactionDate) = 23 THEN dbo.TransactionLineItems.PinID END) AS [11:00 PM]

    FROM         dbo.Suppliers INNER JOIN

                 dbo.Batches ON dbo.Suppliers.SupplierID = dbo.Batches.SupplierID INNER JOIN

                 dbo.PinPackages ON dbo.Suppliers.SupplierID = dbo.PinPackages.SupplierID INNER JOIN

                 dbo.Pins ON dbo.Batches.BatchID = dbo.Pins.BatchID AND dbo.PinPackages.PinPackageCode = dbo.Pins.PinPackageCode INNER JOIN

                 dbo.TransactionLineItems ON dbo.Pins.PinID = dbo.TransactionLineItems.PinID INNER JOIN

                 dbo.Transactions ON dbo.TransactionLineItems.TransactionID = dbo.Transactions.TransactionID

    where    TransactionDate >= dbo.FormatDate('12/21/06 12:00:00.000 am')

    AND   TransactionDate <= dbo.FormatDate('12/21/06 11:59:59.999 pm')

    AND  Transactions.TransactionTypeID = 3 AND Transactions.TransactionStatusCode = 4

    Group By     CONVERT(VARCHAR(25),TransactionDate,101), Suppliers.CompanyName

    A little problem i have the above query in the where clause i pass the data with time , but now i want to make a SP and

    in this i passed the date parameter , but when i write the following lines: it displays nothing.

    where TransactionDate>=dbo.FormatDate(@TranDate)

    and TransactionDate<=dbo.FormatDate(@TranDate)

    i make  afunction format date which formars the date format in the follwoing style: d-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss am/pm

    kindly tell me how do i get this as i want to make SP in which user always enters the and single date paramater value ?

    reple me asap.Thans in Advance.

  • hey i solved this problem , i used following code:

    where     TransactionDate >=dbo.FormatDate(@TDate+'12:00:00.000 pm' )

    AND   TransactionDate <=dbo.FormatDate(@TDate+'11:59:59.999 pm')

    now just tell me is this a fine way to do that or not? if there is any other way then kindly tell me.


  • Assuming that TransactionDate is a DATETIME column, I'm not sure why you would need to format the parameter differently than what it is (i.e. mm/dd/yy hh:mi:ss.mmm).

    Also be aware you may encounter 'rounding' issues when '12/21/06 11:59:59.999 pm' is rounded to '12/27/06 12:00:00.000 am'.  997 is the maximum value maintained in the milliseconds part of a DATETIME.  Similar rounding occurs with SMALLDATETIME.

    In either case, I would DECLARE two variables of the appropriate datatype (e.g. @startDate and @endDate) and assign the values desired to the variables and use the variables explicitly in the WHERE clause.  Using a UDF in the WHERE clause has a tendency to be less efficient.

    The safest way (and one that is independent of the column datatypes)

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.myProc @startDate DATETIME, @endDate DATETIME

    SET @startDate = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @startDate, 101) -- defaults to midnight

    SET @endDate = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DATEADD(dd, 1, @endDate), 101   -- midnight the next day


    WHERE TransactionDate >= @startDate AND TransactionDate < @endDate

    Note the LESS THAN operator in the @endDate comparison!


  • Any translation of a DATETIME to anything character based or though most UDF's will be slower than doing some simple math using date functions...  try this...

    WHERE TransactionDate >= DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,@TDate),0)

      AND TransactionDate <  DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,@TDate),0) + 1

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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