Problem installing RS with seperate database / IIS ervers

  • I am trying to set reporting services up on an IIS matching (windows 2003) hosting the databases on a seperate SQL server (win 2003 + SQL2000 with sp3a). I have set the service user to a domain user that has sa privileges on the db server. The install runs to a point when it dies reporting error 1603 - the detail stating that login failed for user '(null)'


    Can anyone help ?

    Stephen Marais
    Integration Architect
    Digiata Technologies

  • Stephen,

    It could be a lot of things. I had a similar issue when I was installing on one particular box in our environment. You're not going to believe how I finally fixed it...RegClean. Yup, that good old standby from VB6 days gone by. I actually tried on a suggestion from a co-worker who remembered we had setup RS on the same box about 6 months ago during some testing. Turns out not everything was removed properly.

    But, what I would try before that is a reinstall (or just change it) using Local System (NT Authority\NetworkService for Win 2003) as the account to run the service. In the install, I believe there is also a screen where you enter your DB account/credentials as well. I am using a SQL account for this coupled with Local System for running the service on another box. Both boxes are W2K and the DB is SQL 2000 SP3a.

    There are also command line utilties which can be used. rsconfig.exe is the one you would be interested in this case as it can be used to change which account is used to connect to SQL server. Ensure that the account you have chosen is in the RSExecRole role of both RS DBs. this probably isn't your issue since you are using an SA account.

    Also, I have my stuff running on W2K servers. Win 2003 server is notorious for being locked down to far and you may have an SPN (Service Principal Name) issue.

    One other thing to ensure is that IIS is installed correctly. Make sure you DO NOT install through a Term Serv session unless hitting session 0. With W2K there is no way to connect to session 0 but you should be OK if you were on the box or connected to session 0 using Win 2003.

    Double check how many entries are in your Keys table of the ReportServer DB. A valid install with 1 node using the DB should have 3 entries in the table (a core entry and 2 for each server). I won't get into the encryption scheme but there are some good articles out there. Let me know if this appears to be your problem.

    RS installs are not always straightforward. Double check what I mentioned above and let me know how you made out.


  • we use IIS and SQL on seperate servers with Win2K3. We use Integrated security only on our SQL servers so RSConfig and Computer delegation need to be set up correctly.

  • Try to use a domain user account with privileges for RS on the sql server and RS service pack installed.


  • To PaperStreet, thank you for a comprehensive answer. I am still up a creek without a paddle though. I ahve tried so many things now, I can't even remember the permutations. We have access to the sa sql account as well as a domain account with sa priviledges on the SQL box and we have tried these in various combinations whne setting up SQL Reporting Services. The setup always fails as soon as it starts configuring SQL server. Something else I noticed is that in the setup dialog where you specify the SQL server the drop down box is not populated, which to me indicates some sort of a connectivity problem. Then again, it could mean nothing. I then tried to install the SQL 2000 client tools to check connectivity. I then get a message indicating that this version of SQL is not supported on my operating system. If you ignore that it tells you that there is a previous version of setup running and you need to restart the maching. So i am fresh out of idea.

    Stephen Marais
    Integration Architect
    Digiata Technologies

  • Thanks to all for asistance. The answer was in the article mentioned by sa24. The article indicates that the installation could have problems configuring the database if terminal services is running. You need to turn it off before installing. On 2003 you cannot just stop this service as all conrol actions are disabled in service manager. I had to disable the service and restart the server, then install reporting services and then restart the server. I have sinnce discovered that you have to go through the same process to install the service pack, so it will have to be done when the server can be stopped and started. If there is any other way of stopping terminal services, I would love to know.


    Stephen Marais
    Integration Architect
    Digiata Technologies

  • Hi All,

    i'm having the same issue but disabling terminal services didn't resolve it.  Any additional suggestion would be apreciated

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