Problem setting up subscription

  • I am trying to setup transactional replication on a sql server 2000 sp3 database but after I go through the Pull Subscription wizard it fails on the step "Updating the Publisher" and I get the following error:

    Error 20027: The article '(null)' does not exist.

    Could not update the distribution database subscription table. The subscription status could not be changed.

    The subscription could not be created.

    I have tried to push the subscription with the same error. Any help would be apreciated

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  • Its possible that you may not have set up the publication properly, or that all articles have been dropped from the publication. Can you confirm that there are articles present by running this SP in the publisher database:


    <Publication Name>

    If it returns a list of articles, execute this sp (also in the publisher database):



    @publication = N'Pub1', --change to your publication


    = N'all' ,


    = N'Sub1', -- Change to your subscriber name


    = N'Pub1', -- Change to your subscription database name


    = N'none',


    = N'read only' ,


    = 'PULL'

  • Thanks for the reply.

    what it looks like to me is there are articles in the publication but no tables, only views. I went through the publication setup again and I cannot select any of the tables in my database as articles for replication (they all have and X and a key beside them). Could this be the reason for my error?

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  • When you are setting up the replication, you need to select the list of objects you want to be replicated. By default only views are selected. Perhaps you overlooked that screen of the wizard and clicked next. You could add the tables individually if you have only a few tables with not much data but if its a big DB and lot of tables you might need to set up the replication again.

    Dinakar Nethi
    Life is short. Enjoy it.

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