Problem with connecting to sql server 2005 express!

  • I have installed sql server 2005 express on my computer and it has managment program. It's working ok from the managment program, but when I try to connect to the server from visual studio it does not recognize no instances. How can I resolve this problem.

    Making new databases and tables from managment program are working OK, but from Visual Studio I can not connect to the server.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • What are your connection properties?  It could be that the authentication used in VS is not correct.

    Kindest Regards,

    Tim Hodgson

  • I'm having the same problem, cannot connect from VS 2005 either

  • Ok, same question: what are your connection properties in VS 2005?

    Kindest Regards,

    Tim Hodgson

  • Ok, same question: what are your connection properties in VS 2005? >>

    Windows authentication,  servername\microsoftsmlbiz (uses for small biz accounting)

    the user is rbuchner,  I also have sql developer edition installed,

    I can see both sql servers in sql management studio,

    cannot connect to the smalbiz one cannot find server 


  • SQL Server 2005 Express is a little odd with its server name.  Try specifying the server as:


    Additionally, there is a 15 character limit on the machine name. If the machine name exceeds 15 characters, only specify the first 15 characters.

    For example, if the machine name is Windows2003StandardServer, you would specify a machine name of Windows2003Stan

    Let me know if this does or does not help.

    Kindest Regards,

    Tim Hodgson

  •             Accept the default settings for NOW


    2. Make sure you instance “machine\SQLEXPRESS”, SQL Browser are running.        

                Right click on My Computer, Manage, Services and Applications, and Services.

    In the detail Pane, make sure those services are running. – If not, right click on them and click START. Note: there is a security issue related to having the SQL Browser running.

    3. On the remote PC (the one with VS) - Under the SERVER EXPLORER pane, right click on Data Connection, and click on New connection- you should see Data Link Properties; enter the SQL machine name and your Instance name “Machinename\Instancename”  eg machine1\SQLEXPRESS in the “SELECT or ENTER A SERVER NAME” DO NOT USE “(local)\SQLEXPRESS” if you are not on the local machine.

    Note: Do not use SQLEXPRESS if this not your default Instance name. This is created by default and it is recommended as a sign of uniformity for application developers. Make sure you use the instance name you created during SQL Server 2005 Express installation.

    Click on “Use Windows NT Integrated Security”

    Enter the name of your Database in the “Select the database on the server”

    Under the Provider Tab, select the “Microsoft OLE DB provider for SQL Server” and then OK.

    If all goes well, the SQL server name and instance name should be added under “Server Explorer automatically or you may see another dialog box “SQL Server log In” click OK.

    Should it fail, reboot your PC and start the process over again.


  •  SQL Server 2005 Connectivity Issue Troubleshooting...


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • I think there is problem with your connction string.

    Can you give me the connection string you are using?

    Or you can get the useful connection string from



    Baliram Suryawanshi


    Baliram Suryawanshi

  • Also worth mentioning is that .NET 2.0 does not accept/require the "Provider=" attribute in the connection string, which can throw an error.

    Kindest Regards,

    Tim Hodgson

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