Problem with Database Mail in SQL Server 2005

  • Hi People. I have at last got Database Mail successfully sending a test email :-):-).

    Now, I want to add a row to a log table each time an email is sent.

    These emails are all sent with a file attachment and I need not only the mailitem_id value, but an easy reference fo to whom the email was sent.

    I am about to use "EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail " to send one as a test.

    I want to be able to capture the mailitem_id value into a variable so I can store it in the log table row.

    Would some kind soul please tell me what syntax I should use in my SPROC to get this value?

    With thanks in advance.

    Lester Vincent


  • Hey buddy, kind souls? 😀

    Fine here is how u can do it capture the mail

    Declare @MailItemID INT

    EXEC @RetCode = msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name = 'My Profile',

    @recipients = @EMailAddress,

    @subject = @MailSubject,

    @body = @HTMLBody,

    @body_format = 'HTML',

    @mailitem_id = @MailItemID OUTPUT

    Insert into mail_audit_log (columns go here)

    select (columns come here) From msdb.dbo.sysmail_mailitems

    where mailitem_id = @MailItemID

    Hmmm, hope this helps you..:-) Now, am i a kind soul ? :w00t:

  • I think you are, Mr. Cold Coffee!

    Thanks for the code suggestion. Looks good.

    Since my post, I tried sending an email from my laptop (using msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail, with Developer Edition of SQL 2005), with a small text-file as attachment.

    It went to the queue, and returned ID=16, but log showed a message, as follows: -

    Could not retrieve item from the queue.

    I contacted the recipient, thinking it might have got there, without the attachment, but no such luck!:-D Now I'm really confused!!!

    Any ideas as to what is wrong with it? Please?

    Lester Vincent


  • Lester Vincent (4/21/2010)

    I think you are, Mr. Cold Coffee!

    WOW, THANKS ! :hehe:

    And for details about the mails, you will have to play around with the msdb.dbo.sysmail_ tables mate..I dont have much experience with database mail, so i can point only directions for you , Lester...If i get some more info on that, i will keep you posted!!


  • Thanks heaps for your help so far. I googled the error msg and found a variety of responses. One was that it will only work with Windows Server installed and not on a single machine (Hope he's wrong!!) Another blasted Microsoft for producing a poor piece of software (doesn't help much!)

    Another suggested the following settings (which I'd like to try but still working out where to adjust them)

    a) Account retry attempts: 1

    b) Account Retry Delay(seconds): 60

    c) Maximum File Size (Bytes) 1000000 ----> make sure you set to at least 1 million

    d) Prohibited Attachment Fil Extensions: exe, dll, vb, jr (you may want to edit to meet specific needs)

    e) Database Mail Executable Minimum Lifetime (seconds): 600

    f) Logging Level: Extended

    g) Port: 25 (I know that is the default, but he suggests to check firewall that it has not been blocked.

    If I can get to adjust these settings, maybe I could make it work.

    The test email went through quite OK, but sending via the SPROC produced the error.

    Ah well, a bit more trial and error, I guess.

    Lester Vincent


  • Silly question... Did you enable Database Mail stored procedures?

    (Surface Area Config -> Features -> select your instance -> Database Engine -> Database Mail -> Check Enable Database Mail stored procs)

  • Yes, I had done that, Cycling Rabbit.:-)

    Double-checked before responding to your post to.

    Thanks for trying. It still doesn't work from my laptop with Dev Ed 2005.

    Would appreciate any other suggestions.

    Lester Vincent


  • When you setup your email profile, did you make your profile public AND default?

  • Yes, I did.

    Lester Vincent

  • Hmmm.. Odd... Anything useful in the SQL Server Agent Logs? What's the code you are using?

  • Here is the code that looks OK to me, but didn't go through: -

    DECLARE @Mail_Subject varchar(200), @WorkOrder varchar(15), @PropertyAddress varchar(200)

    DECLARE @Attachment_FilePath varchar(200), @FileName varchar(100), @CompanyName varchar(40)

    DECLARE @Email_Body varchar(500), @Recipient_Email varchar(100)

    DECLARE @MailItemI int

    SET @Mail_Subject='Test Database Email from Lester at Asset Trade Services to Lester'

    SET @Recipient_Email=''

    SET @CompanyName='QuickFire Business Systems'

    --Assemble the Attachment file name and path (a simple text file used for the test): -

    SET @Attachment_FilePath='C:\Company Shared Folders\SQL_Database_Object_Upgrades_30122009.txt'

    --Assemble the Email Body: -

    SET @Email_Body='See attached Maintenance Request for your attention please.'







    SET @MailItemID=0

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name='Asset Trade Services - Subcontract Manager',





    @mailitem_id=@MailItemID OUTPUT

    SELECT @MailItemID

    It did execute to the extent that it created and returned a value for @mailitem_id.

    I hope you can see something wrong here, my friend. 🙂


    Lester Vincent


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