problem with dead lock in Job

  • Hello my friend sorry my bad english, but itisn my natural language,

    Friends i have a problem with the jobs, when appears some dead lock in some proccess of the job , it finished like successful , i tried to configurate it to warn like failured but it doesnt work, How can i do to make the job finish like failured when occurs some dead lock?

    Hola amigos como estan, saben tengo un problema con los job, cuando ocurre un deadlock estos terminan como si hubieran tenido exito, y yo quiero que acaben como si hubieran fallado, como puedo hacer que los job acaben como fallados si ocurre algun dead lock?

    Muchas Gracias.


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  • to get message when Job Failed

    1- go to Enterprise manager, Expand your Sever

    2- Expand (Management) >> then (SQL Server Agent) >> then (Jobs)

    3- double click on the job you want, and choose (Notification tab) , and check on

      a- E-mail operator which you want to send mail to and choose when the jobs fails

      b- or Net Send operator , which is the user you want to send message to, on your network and choose when the jobs fails.

    I hope this help u

    Alamir Mohamed

  • Thanks my friend but my problem is that jobs dont show like failured when there is a dead lock, they finish like can i do to configure that?

  • you have to empty Log (as I think).. because If the Log is Full, there is no message will appear

    First it is recommended to make backup due to your Insertion and updates time .. for me :

    1- i make full backup everyday

    2- i make Log backup every 1 hour (or half a hour)

    this makes Log file doesn't grow too much

    Second try to shrink Db (with Log also)

    I hope this Help u

    Alamir Mohamed

  • MMM but in other type of errors the jobs appears in red color, in the enterprise manager, but only when there is a dead lock the job get stopped and it showes that finshed  like successful, i want that the job get in red color like failured. Thanks..........

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