Problem with exporting calculated members to local cube

  • I use excel pivot table (office 2003, owc11) as a client to Analysis Services 2005 (SP1) to access a cube which also contains calculated measures. In pivot table I can see all measures and work with them fine. But when I try to save data as offline cube I get only "standard" measures exported. All calculations are missing despite of the fact that I chose them when exporting at step 3. What do I do wrong?

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  • Hi,

    I am also facing similar problem while browsing the cube.

    Please let me know if you have found any workaround...

    I am facing a strage problem. In my Cube I have a calculated member as follows:


    Local Currency:=

    'IIF([Currency].currentmember.Name = "USS" OR NOT ISLEAF([Currency].currentmember),NULL,

    IIF([Market].[Standard].currentmember.Name <> "All Market"

    AND [Market].[Standard]"HasData") = "-1" ,

    [Measures].[Hidden Local Currency],NULL))'


    As per this condition, if a user selects currency as USS or the Rollup "Total Currency",

    then the NULL will be returned tio the user.

    Else if user selected a valid market and currency combination, he can view the data.


    When I am trying to browse the cube in the SQL Server management studio thro Browse Cube,

    and selecting UK as market and EUR as currency, it's still returning NULL.


    But IF i write a MDX query or if I browse the cube thro Excel Pivot Table feature,

    the result is write and it returns the expected value.


    On further investigation I found that irrespective of the currency selected, it's going to

    Null condition.

    i.e. ([Currency].currentmember.Name = "USS" OR NOT ISLEAF([Currency].currentmember) is not getting

    executed thro SQL Server management studio thro Browse Cube feature.


    It's preety strage to find that this basic feature is not working. Please let me know there is any

    workaround to get the valid result thro Browse Cube feature.


    Also let me know if anyone has faced this kind of problem before.




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