Problem with xp_sendmail

  • Hi,

    We are running SQL server 2000 SP3 on a windows 2000 server. When i am trying to run the below code in a job, i am getting the following error

    Executed as user: DomainName\XXXX_SQLSRV. xp_sendmail: failed with mail error 0x80040111 [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 18025). The step failed.

    Please help me out with this error. The app team does not want to use xp_smtp_sendmail




    declare @support_list varchar(100),

    @sql_server varchar(20),

    @mail_subject varchar(100),

    @mail_message varchar(500)


    -- Build support list


    set @support_list = (select c1

    from t_control

    where control_type = 'SUPPORT_DAY')

    set @support_list = @support_list +

    (select c1

    from .t_control

    where control_type = 'SUPPORT_PGR_SERVER')


    -- Server Info


    set @sql_server = (select c1 from t_control where control_type = 'SQL SERVER')


    set @mail_subject = @sql_server + ' Testing'

    set @mail_message = @sql_server + ' Testing'

    select @mail_subject

    select @mail_message

    select @support_list

    EXEC master..xp_sendmail

    @recipients = @support_list,

    @subject = @mail_subject,

    @message = @mail_message

  • Hello,

    First things first,

    1. Have you configured a mail profile with the domain account that the SQL Services are getting started?

    2. Have you tested to send a test mail from T-SQL?

    The reason for the error is that the mail profile is not configured with the account that it need to.

    Hope this helps.




  • Hi Lucky,

    Thank you for the reply. The mail profile is configured using the domail account. SQL server services and SQL server agent services are started using the same domain account.

    When i tried to run the xp_sendmail from the query analyzer is am still getting

    Server: Msg 18025, Level 16, State 1, Line 0

    xp_sendmail: failed with mail error 0x80040111

    i was simply trying to run this code

    EXEC xp_sendmail @recipients = '',

    @message = 'The master database is full.',

    @subject = 'Master Database Status'

  • 327552 BUG: SQL Mail Only Works From One Instance at a Time;EN-US;327552

    I would give a shot to delete and recreate mail profile.

  • Thank you for the suggestion and the article..i will try to do that

  • After modifying your mail profiles, you may need to issue "xp_stopmail" then "xp_startmail" from QA before the xp_sendmail will work properly.

  • We had a mailbox size issue in the account which was sending the emails. We had gotten a ton of "Unreachable recipient" messages. I deleted all those, then it worked fine.

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