Problems with Linked Server to Oracle

  • I have a SQL Server 2005 (SP1) with mdac 2.8 (SP2).  I am able to connet to the oracle system using SQL Plus on sql server machine.  When every I try to query a table on the system I get the following error message.

    Msg 7318, Level 16, State 1, Line1

    The OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "" returned an invalid column definition for table "".


    I would appreciate any help with this issue.

  • Hi Rick,

    I run in the same problem with SSIS reading number fields (without any dimensions in the oracle-table), I think the problem is the NUMBER definition with no dimension,

    I made some views in oracle for SSIS, then it works


  • I have seen that problem with number fields as well and like you,  I normally handle that with a view.  But what I am seeing is on this on is on a string (varchar2) field.  Here is the query that I using.




    Where PROD is the name of the linked server that I am using.

  • have you tried with openquery, something like this:

    select * from openquery (POD,'select LAST_NAME FROM PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F WHERE LAST_NAME = ''Davis''')


  • Using the openquery function worked.  I can use that as a work around until I can get the standard linked server issue worked out.


    Thanks for your help.

  • Rick,

    I have a little prc for this, you can direkt query to linked server



    @QER varchar(2000)


    -- query a linked table

    -- wm 01.2005

    declare @QER1 varchar(2000)

    declare @LINK varchar(100)

    declare @XUSER varchar(100)

    DECLARE @nsql nvarchar(4000)

    set @XUSER = user

    set @LINK = 'PROD'

    set @QER1 = REPLACE(@QER,char(39),char(39)+char(39))

    set @QER = 'select * from openquery (' + @LINK + ',' + char(39) + @QER1 + char(39)+ ') '

    SET @nsql = CAST( @QER AS nvarchar(4000) )

    EXEC sp_executesql @nsql



    maybe ist helps, I have the same for inserts and updates

    let me know


  • Thanks for all your help with this issue, and I will be using the OPENQUERY workaround.  I am still curious of why the query (Select * from PROD..APPS.PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F) is not working.  Does anyone have any idea of what I should check?

  • Don't use *. Use the column names instead.

  • I had a similar problem. I was using the "oracle provider for OLE DB" driver. I switched the drivers to use the "Microsoft OLE DB provider for Oracle" and that worked.

    Tim White

  • I'd be extremely wary of using MSDAORA in production. It's old, and written against Oracle 7">

    It doesn't support all the datatypes, and I can't find it now, but I saw on a msdn article it wasn't supported any longer in production.

    Oracle has a free one, and there are other options.

  • good info on this problem here...

    Tim White

  • You need to add schema name befor table name,also you must enter schema name and table name in capital letter.

    select * from linkedserver..SCHEMANAME.TABLENAME

    It's working fine with me.

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