Probloem in configuring log shipping

  • Log shipping experts - pl help.

    After feeding all the things in log shipping configuration monitor, what I get is Alert job and log backup job created on Primary but no any job created on secondary server. The copy and restore job should be created there.

    1. SQL Agent and server service account is running with 'local system' account on Primary. I am connected to SSMS on Primary through windows authentication of a domain user id which is sysadmin\administrator and all at both servers.

    2. Apart from log shipping thing, i am not able to take backups in a shared folder on secondary from primary.

    I always get operating system error 5, access denied.

    3. I am taking log backup in a folder on primary - accessible to secondary server, copying log backups in a folder on secondary server, restoring secondary database on secondary server through a full backup copy placed on secondary.

    Please tell me what could be the reason?

  • Seems issue with connectivity of SQL Agent on Secondary, Can you explain little more or if you paste any errors will be more helpfull:)

  • I m using sa login for configuring logshipping. No reason why sa will not create job on secondary server.

    please help. I m totally clueless.

  • SQL Server service should be running under Domain acccount (not local system) to access shared folder.

  • Well. This is thru. But with a problem. The database restored on secondary server has got an extension of _NEW. Example DBNAME_NEW.mdf

    This will not serve the purpose for failover. Any idea why this happened.

    I selected first option which is 'generate full backup and restore' during configuration.

  • database name is OK. The file names have got an extension of _NEW.

  • I've always done my initial restore of the bak manually (in NORECOVERY) and just point logshipping to use my database_new when applying logs.

    I think your issue is with sql agent running under a local system account instead of a domain account.

  • ganeshkumar005 (6/13/2012)

    Log shipping experts - pl help.

    After feeding all the things in log shipping configuration monitor, what I get is Alert job and log backup job created on Primary but no any job created on secondary server. The copy and restore job should be created there.

    1. SQL Agent and server service account is running with 'local system' account on Primary. I am connected to SSMS on Primary through windows authentication of a domain user id which is sysadmin\administrator and all at both servers.

    2. Apart from log shipping thing, i am not able to take backups in a shared folder on secondary from primary.

    I always get operating system error 5, access denied.

    3. I am taking log backup in a folder on primary - accessible to secondary server, copying log backups in a folder on secondary server, restoring secondary database on secondary server through a full backup copy placed on secondary.

    Please tell me what could be the reason?

    Please read my article at this link[/url] for more help with Log Shipping between standalone\workgroup computers


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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