Proc Exec from VB returns -1

  • We have a stored proc that when executed from Query Analyzer returns a valid recordset however when the same statement is passed through VB it returns nothing (actually a value of -1).

    The stored procedure takes in some variables and then uses those to build a dynamic SQL statement and then executes it using exec(@String). If we tweak the stored procedure to contain only a simple select it works fine.

    What could be the problem?? I'm sure this is something stupid that I am overlooking so, I am looking forward to any answer you can give. Thanks in advance.




    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • Wait, I posted again but recant. Do you mean add the set nocount on in the VB command line or in the Stored Proc?

    Edited by - DavidB on 07/08/2002 1:50:59 PM



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • Andy - That was already done. See this is kind of weird and my lack of VB knowledge (although that is changing rapidly) is not helping here.

    I actually found that the procedure is working "fine" and is returning the record set but the VB application is seeing a -1 when you print snapData.RecordCount (snapData is the recordset). All other procedures we have written return the correct value for the number of records. The only difference is that this procedure contains a dynamic SQL string that is executed at the end of the procedure. It's not critical to get the snapData.RecordCount value to be correct but I would like to know why that is not working at this point.

    Any thoughts here would be greatly appreciated.


    Edited by - DavidB on 07/09/2002 07:42:46 AM



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • Could you post the SP?

  • Here is a glimpse of a mocked up version of the procedure. Pretty straight forward. Any other thoughts.

    create procedure usp_Test1

    @filtid int,

    @ownrep varchar(32),

    @owngrp varchar(32)


    set nocount on


    @sqlstr varchar(512),

    @wherestmt varchar(512)

    set @wherestmt = (

    select FilterCriteria

    from dbo.TaskFilter

    where TaskFilterID = @filtid


    set @sqlstr = (

    'select *

    from Test1


    owner_grp = '''+@owngrp+'''

    and owner_rep = '''+@ownrep+'''

    and '+@wherestmt+'')

    exec sp_executesql

    @stmt = @sqlstr


    **Note, this is a mocked up version and I don't know if this will run as I have not tried it.

    One other note, we have moved forward with the procedure as it does return the data to VB but we are still struggling with the fact that the RecordCount in VB still returns -1. I have to believe it is because of the dynamic SQL but it seems strange that MS would not have seen this or that there are no other posts that I can find on the issue.

    Intrigued...... and thanks for the reply. Looking forward to your thoughts.




    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • Actually can you post the code from vb (please alter security stuff)? It may be the type of cursor you are using in the recordset.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • We ran into this problem on our Intranet application. We had to add two lines:



    This eliminated the -1 return problem.

    K. Brian Kelley

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Brian,

    I tried your suggestion and still get the -1. Not a big problem but causes our VB guy to work with the Record Set differently.


    Here is the code snippet from the VB guy. Let me know if you have any inputs I can feed back.

    gODBC_CONNECT_STRING = "ODBC;driver={SQL Server};UID=TLogin;PWD=TPassword;DATABASE=TestDB;SERVER=TestSrvr"


    ' set the ODBC workspace variables

    DBEngine.DefaultType = dbUseODBC

    Set wsMain = CreateWorkspace("NewODBCWorkspace", "admin", "", dbUseODBC)


    ' open the database

    Dim snapData As Recordset


    Set DBase = wsMain.OpenConnection("", dbDriverNoPrompt, False, sConnect)

    DBase.QueryTimeout = 180


    ' get the tasks

    sSQL = "execute dbo.usp_ExecuteFilter 1,’Tester’,’Tester Group’"

    Set snapData = DBase.OpenRecordset(sSQL, dbOpenDynaset)


    ' store the tasks in the gridWith snapData

    With snapData

    If (Not .EOF) And (Not .BOF) Then

    iRow = 1

    vsTasks.Redraw = False

    While Not .EOF

    vsTasks.AddItem ""

    vsTasks.TextMatrix(iRow, 0) = .Fields("product") & ""

    vsTasks.TextMatrix(iRow, 1) = .Fields("project") & ""

    vsTasks.TextMatrix(iRow, 2) = .Fields("category") & ""

    vsTasks.TextMatrix(iRow, 3) = .Fields("short description") & ""

    vsTasks.TextMatrix(iRow, 4) = .Fields("status") & ""

    vsTasks.TextMatrix(iRow, 5) = Format(.Fields("estimated date") & "", "mm/dd/yyyy")

    vsTasks.TextMatrix(iRow, 6) = .Fields("priority") & ""

    vsTasks.TextMatrix(iRow, 7) = .Fields("incident") & ""

    vsTasks.TextMatrix(iRow, 8) = .Fields("estimated hours") & ""

    vsTasks.TextMatrix(iRow, 9) = .Fields("long description") & ""

    vsTasks.TextMatrix(iRow, 10) = Format(.Fields("assigned date") & "", "mm/dd/yyyy")

    vsTasks.TextMatrix(iRow, 11) = .Fields("owner") & ""

    vsTasks.TextMatrix(iRow, 12) = .Fields("contact") & ""

    vsTasks.TextMatrix(iRow, 13) = .Fields("contact phone") & ""

    iRow = iRow + 1



    vsTasks.Redraw = True

    End If

    End With


    ' close the connections



    End Sub




    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • Have him try this.

    Dim recCnt as integer

    Set snapData = DBase.OpenRecordset(sSQL, dbOpenDynaset)

    snapData.MoveLast 'Read recordset into memory to get number.

    recCnt = snapData.RecordCount


    and see if it returns.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Yes, we are using DAO. I have been able to go through your ADO tutorial and found it to be pretty easy but I am just breaking into the VB stuff. Our apps guys are overworked and have not had the chance to check out ADO so, this project was pushed through the old school funnel.

    I have provided your tutorial to them though so, hopefully it will move that way soon. Thanks.




    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

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