Procedure Cache Problem?

  • I am getting the following entries in my SQL Server Log a few times per day.  One of my nightly backups also failed and I think these messages are related.

    WARNING:  Clearing procedure cache to free contiguous memory.

    Buffer Distribution:  Stolen=3981 Free=178891 Procedures=9

      Inram=0 Dirty=650 Kept=874

      I/O=0, Latched=0, Other=47155

    Buffer Counts:  Commited=231560 Target=231560 Hashed=48679

      InternalReservation=930 ExternalReservation=0 Min Free=512

    Procedure Cache:  TotalProcs=2 TotalPages=9 InUsePages=8

    Dynamic Memory Manager:  Stolen=3990 OS=443 General=4205

      Query Plan=9 Optimizer=0

      Utilities=55 Connection=164

    Global Memory Objects:  Resource=3801 Locks=55 XDES=1

      SQLCache=230 Replication=2

      LockBytes=2 ServerGlobal=20

    Query Memory Manager:  Grants=0 Waiting=0 Maximum=166554 Available=166554

  • found a kb article that might apply: (for standard edition)

    Otherwise, are you profiling any performance counters?

  • found a kb article that might apply: (for standard edition)

    Otherwise, are you profiling any performance counters?

  • Thanks for the link.  It is not a direct hit because this server only has 51 databases, not 500.  But, you never know.  I will keep an eye on that -g switch just in case it helps.


  • This warning was the symptom of the pressure in MemToLeave area in SQL Memory.

    What is the current build of SQL Server? Run @@version in query analyzer and post the results.

    Bad components that load in MemToLeave area such as extended stored procedures, OLE Automation/COM objects, linked server OLEDB providers and ODBC drivers, MAPI components used by SQLMail. This component may cause memory leak.

    Are you using any of above?




  • SQL 7.00.1063

    Yes, I use linked servers via OLDEB (other SQL boxes) and ODBC (AS400).

    No - I can't immediately retire the box or upgrade it.

    Thanksf or the info.  RH

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