Procedure ''myProc'' expects parameter ''@parm1'', which was not supplied.

  • The procedure is called from ASP page. Before I execute the procedure, I gather the values of the parameters, their values and their vartypes.

    In this case, @parm1 is an integer and returns that and a valid value. No matter what I do to this parameter, I still get this error. I've been troubleshooting this for two days and I've never seen anything like this. What is interesting, is I have other pieces of code on the webpage using the same value prior to calling this function/procedure that work with this value. I have hooked the IIS 500 to a custom error page and have verfied the value is there. I've run this procedure

    manually from QA and it works.... This is quite perplexing.

  • Can you put the entire error message and the code you're using in the post? Looks like the subject got cut off.

  • Actually, I resolved the problem. What was throwing me off was the proc's first parameter has a default.

    The problem was the code calling the procedure. We code a lot of our procs in function calls and pass in the parameters.

    For some reason, this line was missing:

    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    I don't even understand what SQL was attempting to do here. Solved though.

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