Procedure to create string ID

  • Dear nice guys,

    How to create procedure or trigger in SQL Server 2000 to create string ID when new records inserted.

    Could anyone give some example for it??


    Thanks a lot!!!!


  • I guess the first question is why a string id? Typically integers or uniqueidentifiers are used. Unless the value will be made of some component of the data itself even a string key will usually be derived from a number somewhere.

  • Andy,

    The reason for using string ID is that I need to use a character in the beginning of ID e.g. A00001. The first letter is to indicate project code and the remaining number is to identify student.

    How can I do??

  • You can create a USER-DEFINED FUNCTION (UDF) to generate a complex ID, and then use that UDF on an AFTER INSERT TRIGGER for the table.If you don't need a complex ID, just simply combine any string that you need on AFTER INSERT TRIGGER for the table.Cheers -- Hendra

  • Hi nghoiming02
    I provide a user viewable serial number on a table in addition to its primary key value.  It is similar to your requirement.
    I do this by fetching the current top numeric value (bypassing the text prefix, in my case this is XA or XB but could be anything.  I want the serial number to be 4 digits or more so from the top number (incremented by 1)  i calculate the number of digits and ensure it is at least 4.  I then form the new serial number using STR and pad with leading zeros.  Finally I add the prefix and update the new serial number on the new record, already added to the table.
    I'm sure there is a faster, more succinct way to do this but I only have a maximum of about 20 of these per day, so this works fine.
    Here is my way:
    -- Generate a new name using the top number in the table

    SELECT @shNum = MAX(CAST(ISNULL(RIGHT(strName, (LEN(strName) - 2)), 0) AS int)) + 1

    FROM tblName

    -- Check for no entries in the table

    if @shNum is null

        select @shNum = 1

    select @shDigits = ceiling(log10(@shNum + 1))
    -- Min 4 digits

    if @shDigits < 4

        set @shDigits = 4

    set @strName = REPLACE(STR(@shNum, @shDigits, 0), ' ', '0')

    -- Form the Name

    if @bFlag = 0

        set @strName = 'XB' + @strName


        set @strName = 'XA' + @strName

    -- Write the new batch name to the new batch record

    UPDATE tblName SET strName = @strName

    WHERE lngIdName = @lngId

  • If your table will have seprate columns for ProjectCode and Student and your application design permits, You may even use computed Columns !!

    create table test

    ( projectcode char(1),

      studentnum int ,

      uniquecode as projectcode +  right ( '00000' + convert(varchar,studentnum ) , 5) char(6)



    -- Amit

    "There is no 'patch' for stupidity."

    Download the Updated SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

  • I would also use two separate columns for project code and student (ID ?). The rest (eg, the presentation of A00001 can easily be done at the client application.



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Yes good point Frank,

    I only use this serial number technique where the prefix only tells the user something about the 'type' of record, not inforamtion contained in other fields or tables.

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