Procedure with default parameters

  • Guys,

    Unusually I'm using a production procedure in our of my reports, so we return *identical* data with the logic centralised. This proceduer has a number of parameters, I wish to return the data set when all of these are as per their specified defaults. I.e. in Management Studio 'EXEC Procedure' is all I need to do.

    When I do this in Visual Studio for a report I'm prompted to enter values for the parameters before the report will run.

    I could find out and 'hard code' these default values, however, as I want to maintain exact synchronicity with the production procedure I'd rather pull these through than specify them.

    Is there any way I can do this?

    Edit: besides creating a separate procedure which simply executes the product facing one and doesn't have any parameters, which would work.

  • I'm not sure if you're trying to add defaults to your report parameters or your SP parameters.

    In case that you want defaults to your SP parameters, you have two options and I believe that you found one.

    First option:


    @Param1 int = 5,

    @Param2 varchar(50) = 'Some default'


    AS ...

    The second option is to default the values to NULL and assign values dinamically.


    @Param1 int = NULL,

    @Param2 varchar(50) = NULL




    IF @Param1 IS NULL AND @Param2 IS NULL


    --Code to assign default values


    --Code for SP


    Luis C.
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  • If you delete the parameters from both the SSRS report & the DataSet you should be OK, as long as they've all got defaults.

  • What I'm saying is there's a proc happily in use in another situation which already has a bunch of parameters, all of which have defaults set already, I'd rather use the defaults in the procedure (which may change over time) than hard code them.

    Deleting the parameters from the report didn't seem to work, SSRS whinged:

    Error 1 [rsParameterReference] The Value expression for the query parameter ‘@X’ refers to a non-existing report parameter ‘X’. Letters in the names of parameters must use the correct case.

    However, my 'hack' of wrapping the procedure within another procedure seems to work from what I can see so far.

  • Luis Cazares (12/3/2013)

    The second option is to default the values to NULL and assign values dinamically.


    @Param1 int = NULL,

    @Param2 varchar(50) = NULL




    IF @Param1 IS NULL AND @Param2 IS NULL


    --Code to assign default values


    --Code for SP


    I don't recommend this one because it messes with the optimiser's ability to sniff parameter values for cardinality estimates.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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  • The 'wrapping' seems to work okay:


    EXEC Proc_Product

    Obviously they aren't called that but you get the idea - the Proc_Product has about 5-6 parameters, by doing it this way if we change what we show on our products and hence change the defaults the report should pull them through automatically.

    I didn't really want to create an additional SP but it's not like I've had to create 40 more or something.

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