Process Design - To use SQL service broker and If so How ?

  • Even though it came out with SQL server 2005, I am new sql service broker...

    I have a process whereby I would like to accomplish the following... I am wondering if the sql broker service may be a way to go ?

    The setting includes many client workstations using a application to

    communicate with a database via ADO connections.

    The workstations will be adding "transactional" information into some sql

    server tables.

    Been there, done that... so far, so good...

    Unfortunately, that is only half of the "transaction"...

    Once the first half of the transaction has been successfully committed to

    the sql tables, elements of this data must then be used to create the second

    half of the transaction which includes pushing it into an ERP system (via a

    COM oriented procedure). Actually, what I would like to do is invoke a

    second program using data from the sql tables. See the basic vb code process below at end of this message...

    All the examples I have seen thus far show TSQL being used to update a table.

    Can you actually run a program using the service broker ? Should

    you ? Any online samples detailing this ? Good books illustrating this - in not C# ?

    I AM interested in invoking the second half of the transaction as soon as

    possible following the first half of the transaction.

    However, I am not interested in reversing the first half of the transaction

    if the second half of the transaction is not successful.


    Brief flow description...


    - gets data from sql tables and inputs transactions back to sql tables

    - Do I tell sql server in the UI that the second piece of the transaction

    needs to be started, or will the broker know based on how it is set-up or on

    some type of "trigger" ?

    NEXT Step - below is a pared down version of what happens next - it needs to

    be loosely coupled and not stop the part (above) from continuing

    - Build xml strings Parameter and Transaction

    Dim strParameters As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder

    strParameters ("<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""Windows-1252""?>")

    Dim strParameters As String = strParameters ()

    Dim strTransaction As New StringBuilder

    strTransaction ("<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""Windows-1252""?>")

    Dim strTransaction As String = strTransaction ()

    - Post transaction to ERP which utilizes a COM object

    xmlout = Post(strParameters ,strTransaction )

    - Read the xmlout to look for errors or a successful transaction ID

    Dim XmlDoc As New XmlDocument


    For Each ErrorNumbernode In


    XErrorNumber = XErrorNumber & ErrorNumbernode.InnerText


    - Write results back to the sql table - back to the same row that initiated

    the transaction

    cnn = New SqlConnection(connectionString)


    Dim cmd6 As New SqlCommand

    cmd6 = cnn.CreateCommand

    cmd6.CommandText = "spResults"


    intOutCnt3 = Convert.ToInt32(cmd6.Parameters("@OutCnt").Value())

    What is your opinion on how to handle the second piece ?

    It appears that there are many options, but how to choose the right one ?

    Should I use sql service broker to call a webservice to handle the second

    piece ? Is that possible ? What about a .net assembly that contains the

    code above ?

    It appears that using clr in stored proc is not a good idea in this case- I

    have read where that may be considered "unsafe" due to COM component being

    employed ? Also performance and memory leaks appear to be associated with

    COM objects being used in this fashion ?

    Thanks in advance !

  • This seems like a good opportunity to use Service Broker.

    I can't find it now, but I have read an article/blog post where the author used Service Broker and a .NET service to transfer data. Basically the person had a stored procedure that RECEIVED/READ the data from the queue and they called that procedure in the .NET service and then processed the results when there were results. If I find it I'll post it here.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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