Programming in sql

  • Hi

    I have a visual basic code that reads a long string from an external database and then extracts data by use of substring. The result is inserted into a new sql database.

    Something like this:

    Read * from external databse.workinghours

    for i = 1 to 356

     HoursaDay = substring(<longstring> i*4, 4)

     insert into calender (date,hours)


    I want to discard the visual basic code and rather get sql to do the whole procedure it self. Is this possible to do in sql?

    If have tried to figure out how to make sql iterate, but so far no luck

    Hope you have ideas about this.


    Best regards


  • Hi,

    I can show you how, but I think having the VB do it is a better solution.

    all you need to do is use a While loop not a for next

    declare @counter int

    set @counter = 1

    While @counter < 366


    your parse code here

    your insert code

    set @counter = @counter+1



    Tal McMahon

  • CREATE TABLE [Numbers] (

    [PkNumber] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,




    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    Declare @i as int

    set @i = 0

    --I use this table for many other string operations like this one and since a varchar can containt 8000 chars I need 8000 numbers

    while @i <= 8000


    Insert into dbo.Numbers Default values

    set @i = @i + 1



    Declare @Dates varchar(40)

    SET @Dates = '1234567890123456789009876543210987654321'

    Select SUBSTRING(@Dates, 1 + (PkNumber - 1) * 4, 4) from dbo.Numbers as ExtractedDate where PkNumber <= LEN(@Dates)/4

    --now you can simply do something like this :

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.MyProc @Dates as varchar(8000)



    Insert into dbo.MyTable (MyField) (Select SUBSTRING(@Dates, 1 + (PkNumber - 1) * 4, 4) from dbo.Numbers as ExtractedDate where PkNumber <= LEN(@Dates)/4)



    And you'll have this proc insert as many as 2000 records in a single query instead of having vb send 2000 requests on the server (6000 round trips instead of 3).

    Please msg me if you need further explanation on how to use this technique.

  • thats an interesting solution,

    i have never seen anyone parse a string like that.  nice trick!!


  • I use to have split function that would parse a string of comma delemited values and return them into a table. It was using a while loop to scan the string but once I compared that method to the set based solution I found that it was at least 5 times slower than the little trick I showed you (when it's not 10-15 times slower). I've never used a while loop since then in SQL to do some strings work.

  • That trick rates in my top 5. 

    Right up there with Celko's Nested sets Hierarchy.

    I cannot wait for a time to implement it.  Thanks for sharing



  • can you send me that top list? I'd love to see a bundle of those neat tricks.

  • Hi guys

    Thank you for all your input.

    Old Hand, thank you  your code looks a lot like the one I am interested in. I will try to implement it as soon as possible.

    Will contact you if I have any questions regarding the matter.



    Best regards,


  • HTH

    BTW my name is Remi, "Hold hand" only means that I posted between 300 and 399 messages . It's just like "newbie" and "grasshoper" for newer members.

  • For the records, here are some more examples of this parsing trick:

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Hi Remi


    Sorry. My mistake, didn`t look at the top to get your correct name.



  • NP... it's just that I've seen this mistake like 3 times yesterday and I thaught it might be a good idea to point it out .

    Glad I could help.

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