Protecting SQL Server if the domain is compromised?

  • Lets assume SQL Server 2005 running on Windows 2003 Server, connected to the network but not part of the domain. One application accesses it over the network with one login. Either SQL Server or a local windows login is used for authentication. This would protect SQL Server if the domain was compromised. I can see in normal circumstances domain level logins should be used, but in certain scenerios where the security of the SQL Server box is top would this be a good solution?



  • So the machine is not part of the domain. I'm not sure it's more or less secure than being on the domain. The same type of security is used to authenticate in either case and can be broken.

    Why do you not want it on the domain? Is there some reason your password is more secure? Do you now trust the domain admins?

  • I am only talking hypothetically. Lets assume a domain controller has been compromised. A domain admin could then access the SQL box. If the SQL box was not part of the domain then it would not be compromised in this situation.


  • Danny (5/2/2008)

    I am only talking hypothetically. Lets assume a domain controller has been compromised. A domain admin could then access the SQL box. If the SQL box was not part of the domain then it would not be compromised in this situation.


    Sure a domain admin could get to the box and stop services, but, if you have removed/downgraded the Builtin\Administrators group the Domain Admin would not have elevated privileges within SQL Server which should protect your data.

    Jack Corbett
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  • Unless he knows enough about SQL to start it in single user mode.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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  • True, but if your domain is compromised you have problems in every area not just SQL Server and while SQL Server holds your data at least you should have backups off-site than can somewhat help you recover the SQL Server(s) AFTER you have recovered all your servers from the damage done to them.

    Also you'd know pretty quickly that someone had changed that when users complain that the "system is down" and you could pull the network cable from the SQL Server. Granted damage might already be done, but as I said above, you and\or your network admins will be busy recovering from other issues I think.

    Jack Corbett
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