PULL subscription Problem

  • I actually have 2 problems, but the first is the main one.

    I setup an instance to publish a data base. I have a seperate instance on the machine to be a pull subscriber. Everything is setup when it pulls it comes up with the error 'sp_msins_tbname' not found. I had seen these SPs in the DB during another attempt, but there are none there now ??

    Note the plan is to have 30 or so servers publishing, with a single pull subscriber.

    The second problem, and not yet as important but I will need to resolve it.

    Under the above scenario with 30 or so publishers and a single subscriber I am having problems when they are in different domains. We are migrating from NT4 to Win2K and I have machines in both, and the Trusts are supposed to be correct. But when I pull from the NT4 domain from a 2k machine I get an error that it cannot connect to distribtor. I currently have this setup using the same Win2k domain id for all machines. It is Local admin everywhere.

    Final note I sort of had this working and went through cleaning up everything, setting up SQLAgent to use the same domain account etc. and since then, well I'm getting frustrated.

    KlK, MCSE


  • For the first problem my initial thought is the absence of SP1 or SP2. Without these SPs the stored procedures won't be created for trans rep if you say that you already have the snapshot on the subscriber when setting up. Perhaps it is something else, but in any case, running sp_scriptpublicationcustomprocs will produce a script with the three sps in. Run this on the subscriber and Bob's your mothers brother.

    2nd problem - are you using trusted or sql authentication on the pulling subscriber. If you're using trusted (the default) then your local admin as the agent's user is likely to be the issue. To test this (a) try sql authentication using the properties window of the pull subscription or (b) set the agent to run as a domain user.

    Paul Ibison


    Paul Ibison

  • Thanks Paul, I'll give these a try. I believe the server has SP2 on it, I will verify.

    But my question is

    "and Bob's your mothers brother"

    is this some kind of Brit slang us Yanks don't understand ??

    Thanks again

    KlK, MCSE


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