Pulling the average data

  • Hi guys,

    I'm working on this query and don't know how to find the average for this. The data table looks like this

    Corp_address paid_date_interval credit_limit ...

    10008 21 10000

    10008 32 10000

    10008 20 10000

    Is there a way that I can have the table look like this

    Corp_address paid_date_interval credit_limit

    10008 24.33 10000

    The paid date interval = average as ( (21+32+22)/3) per corp_address

    I have use the function SUM ( paid_date_interval) / COUNT( corp_address) but it was not working. This is my query looks like :

    WITH invoice AS(





    ,invoice_hdr .invoice_date



    ,DATEDIFF (DAY, invoice_hdr.net_due_date ,ar.payment_date) pay_date_executed_interval



    -- ,customer.credit_limit - customer.credit_limit_used as credit_available

    FROM p21_view_invoice_hdr invoice_hdr

    LEFT OUTER JOIN p21_view_address address ON address.id = invoice_hdr.customer_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN p21_view_invoice_line invoice_line ON invoice_line.invoice_no = invoice_hdr.invoice_no

    LEFT OUTER JOIN p21_ar_receipts_view ar

    INNER JOIN p21_ar_view ON p21_ar_view.invoice_no = ar.invoice_no

    ON ar.invoice_no = invoice_hdr.invoice_no

    --LEFT OUTER JOIN customer ON customer.customer_id = address.id


    invoice_hdr.paid_in_full_flag <> 'N'

    AND invoice_hdr.year_for_period IN (2011,2012)

    AND ar.payment_date IS NOT NULL




    ,invoice_hdr .invoice_date

    , ar.payment_date



    ),customer_1 AS(





    ,customer.credit_limit - customer.credit_limit_used as credit_available

    FROM customer

    LEFT OUTER JOIN invoice ON invoice.corp_address_id = customer.customer_id

    ), ar_status AS(









    ,CASE WHEN pay_date_executed_interval < 0 THEN 'Acceptable' ELSE 'Not Acceptable' END status

    ,customer_1 .credit_limit

    ,customer_1 .credit_limit_used


    ,CASE WHEN customer_1.credit_limit <> 0 THEN (1- (customer_1.credit_available / customer_1.credit_limit )) ELSE 0 END percentage_limit_used

    FROM invoice

    LEFT OUTER JOIN customer_1 ON customer_1.customer_id = invoice.corp_address_id








    ,customer_1 .credit_limit

    ,customer_1 .credit_limit_used



    ) SELECT



    ,SUM (ar_status.pay_date_executed_interval ) / COUNT (ar_status.name) average





    FROM ar_status









    Please let me know. Thanks

  • Have a look at the average function http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms177677.aspx

    Beyond that if you would like some more help can you please read the first link in my signature about how to post DDL and Sample data in order to have your question answered faster?

    For faster help in answering any problems Please read How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden[/url] for the best way to ask your question.

    For performance Issues see how we like them posted here: How to Post Performance Problems - Gail Shaw[/url]

    Need to Split some strings? Jeff Moden's DelimitedSplit8K[/url]
    Jeff Moden's Cross tab and Pivots Part 1[/url]
    Jeff Moden's Cross tab and Pivots Part 2[/url]

  • --would be appreciate if next time you post sample data like this, either that or post your credit card number we can charge to 🙂

    declare @temp table(Corp_address int, paid_date_interval numeric(9,2), credit_limit int)

    insert into @temp(Corp_address, paid_date_interval, credit_limit)

    select 10008, 21, 10000 union all

    select 10008, 32, 10000 union all

    select 10008, 20, 10000 union all

    select 10009, 20, 10000 union all

    select 10009, 10, 10000

    --solution 1


    Corp_address, SUM(paid_date_interval)/COUNT(*) as total, credit_limit

    from @temp

    group by Corp_address,credit_limit

    --solution 2


    Corp_address, avg(paid_date_interval) as total, credit_limit

    from @temp

    group by Corp_address,credit_limit

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