QOD 10-21

  • I disagree with the fact that the answer to this question cannot be , that the return values must be declared since if the procedure is changed in this way

    create procedure myproc

    @a_key int,

    @a_field varchar(40),

    @retval int Output


    update mytable set myfield = @a_field where mykey = @a_key

    if (@@error <> 0)

    return -1

    if @@rowcount = 0

    return 0

    return 1

    And then called like this

    exec myproc 1, 'first rec', @retval

    The query would return the correct result.

    So I am quite unhappy that I missed out on my four points today. I suppose there is always more than one solution to a problem.

  • ... if the procedure is changed in this way 

    But it wasn't, and the question clearly stated return rather than output variables, and your proc would still not work because it has the same bug as the QOD one.

    Good question but wayyy too easy for 4 points. Should have been 2

    Keith Henry

    DBA/Developer/BI Manager

    Keith Henry

    According to everyone I know I "do something with computers?" for a living, so there you go.

  • But the question was "What is the error in this situation ?" i.e. the sample code provided. Anyway, no value is assigned to @retval in your new proc so it would still cause the same problem

  • Actually the answer is better expressed in BOL


    This variable is set to 0 by any statement that does not return rows, such as an IF statement.

    If you however reverse the proc like so

    @a_key int,
    @a_field varchar(40)

    update mytable set myfield = @a_field where mykey = @a_key

    if @@rowcount = 0
    return 0
    if @@error <> 0
    return -1
    return 1


    It will work becuase the @@rowcount test is first then @@error which is not reset by IF. So the answer is correct but the code is savageable by making a simple change. Many times errors in most procedural and object oriented languages order of operation can be very important such as is the case here.

  • I guess this QOD was closer to reality, where the simple problem gets buried under everything else. I did happen to see right through to the answer, but I suppose not everyone did.

    Antares - I thought @@error also resets. Regardless, I think the best solution is this:

    create procedure myproc

    @a_key int,

    @a_field varchar(40)


    declare @rowcount as int, @error as int

    update mytable set myfield = @a_field where mykey = @a_key

    select @rowcount = @@rowcount, @error = @@error

    if (@error <> 0)

    return -1

    if @rowcount = 0

    return 0

    return 1

    Data: Easy to spill, hard to clean up!

  • Fortunately it does not stubob. From SQL BOL


    @@ERROR returns the number of the error message until another Transact-SQL statement is executed.

  • Actually the IF does reset @@error. If you've coded assuming it does not, you may want to revisit that sql.

    The test :

    raiserror('an error happened',16,1)

    select @@error



    Server: Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    an error happened



    Then try:

    raiserror('an error happened',16,1)

    if @@error = 0 print 'no error here'

    select @@error



    Server: Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    an error happened



    once again reversing IF logic:

    raiserror('an error happened',16,1)

    if @@error != 0 print 'yep an error here'

    select @@error



    Server: Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    an error happened

    yep an error here



    Ian Dundas
    Senior IT Analyst - Database
    Manitoba Public Insurance Corp.

  • quote:

    If you however reverse the proc like so

    blah blah blah

    if @@rowcount = 0

    return 0

    if @@error <> 0

    return -1

    return 1

    It will work becuase the @@rowcount test is first then @@error which is not reset by IF.

    This doesn't work because the @@error now refers to "if @@rowcount = 0", however even if it did wouldn't it change the values returned by the function? I mean the original QOD was trying to return -1 when an error occured and 0 if no error but no rows. This one would return (if it worked) 0 if no rows occured (which will probably happen if an error occurs too) and -1 if rows returned but an error.

    Keith Henry

    DBA/Developer/BI Manager

    Keith Henry

    According to everyone I know I "do something with computers?" for a living, so there you go.

  • Well I do agree that IF reset @@error since I test without the SP (which should never throw an error that would be trappable in most cases after reviewing).

    However to get both @@rowcount and @@error you need to do

    SELECT var1 = @@rowcount, var2 = @@error

    because seperately they reset.

  • I only have a smll complaint, but that's cuz I'm not a guru yet =).

    It would have been nice if we were told what the problem was that the programmer was having. In a real world situation, you would have gotten at least that much from a programmer...you would hope anyway.

    I got it wrong, but would have still made a samll complaint if I got it right.

  • quote:

    In a real world situation, you would have gotten at least that much from a programmer...you would hope anyway.

    In my dreams. Useually it goes:


    It Ddesn't work

    What Error are you getting?

    It just doesn't work when I click on the button.

    Which button?

    Just f***in* fix it will you (hangs up)

    Keith Henry

    DBA/Developer/BI Manager

    Keith Henry

    According to everyone I know I "do something with computers?" for a living, so there you go.

  • quote:

    In my dreams. Useually it goes:


    It Ddesn't work

    What Error are you getting?

    It just doesn't work when I click on the button.

    Which button?

    Just f***in* fix it will you (hangs up)

    Keith Henry

    DBA/Developer/BI Manager

    Sounds like an end user response not a programmer. =)

  • quote:

    Sounds like an end user response not a programmer. =)

    In that case it goes


    It doesn't work

    What Error are you getting?

    It just doesn't work when I do rst equals cmd dot execute

    That's very helpful, what are you trying to execute

    It's a stored procedure, Just f***in* fix it will you (hangs up)

    Keith Henry

    DBA/Developer/BI Manager

    Keith Henry

    According to everyone I know I "do something with computers?" for a living, so there you go.

  • It's true. Speaking as someone who is DBA, programmer, and sometimes end user, I do get to curse at myself a lot...

    Data: Easy to spill, hard to clean up!

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