QOD 11-13-2003

  • I think the answer is “FTP Task”; you CAN transfer files with the FTP task. The more generic (and correct) definition is that the FTP Task allows you to copy files from one server to another, not just “receive” files. An EM DTS FTP Task allows you to specify any source and destination, and can be executed from directly from DTS a DTS Package.

    A DTSFTPTask – given as another, separate entity (and option) in the answer – is actually the same thing under the hood (a COM object), only it’s available outside DTS/EM. DTS/EM is just another host environment that automates (remote controls) the same DTSFTPTask (that shows up in the VB “References” that VB would for example…

  • I'll second that

  • This really was a bogus question. I've used a custom stored procedure in the past that will ftp files, so an Execute SQL task will work also.

  • Boo...Hiss!! Bad question. The Books Online sure seem to indicate the the FTP Task is for downloading however assuming sufficient rights, I could set the destination as another server on my network.

    I am getting tired of the ambiguously worded trick questions that seem to be the current rage. It's enough to turn you off to the entire site...

  • I have also used a custom t-sql stored procedure which uses the xp_cmdshell procedure to ftp files on to a remote site before and it works find. i scheduled it with a execute sql task so i don't think that this question was concrete enough.

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