• Since you moved the servers to their new rack, I have had to manually login when I click the QOD link in the daily email.  Is this something new or is it just a coincidence and something I have changed?



  • I guess coincidence because I've not had the problem since the server move. However in the past I've had similar issues. It related to IE, security and cookies. Have you applied any KB's for IE or SPs lately ? Has group policy changed at your site lately ? Both of these things have nipped at my ankles in the last year or so ...

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Thanks for the reply Rudy.

    Most likely it is something with my computer.  Until recently, Microsoft automatic updates worked then just stopped.  All at once I could not longer install any updates without getting an error.  It turns out that I was missing some settings in the registry for IE and I think this happened when I installed a Yahoo-branded IE6 so I could use the tabs, toolbars, etc.  The problem is, I can't uninstall that version of IE (W2K3 server).

    I guess I'll just have to keep logging in until I get tired enough of it to format and reinstall.



  • Dan,

    Are you accepting cookies? I use IE and Firefox and remain logged in with cookies setup. It's likely a security thing on your side and I wish I had a better answer.


  • With Firefox I have to go to the forums first, then QoD. Otherwise I don't show up as logged in. Mine likely has to do with my cookie settings, though, as I have them very strict. Prior to me tightening them down, I remember being able to go straight to QoD. You might want to check the settings.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • The more I think about it, cookies probably are causing the problem.

    If I connect directly to SSC I am logged in automatically but if I click the email QOD link I have to login.  I can close this window, click the same link again and get logged in automatically.

    This sounds like a cookie expiration issue.

  • OK, how about this?  My reply above only contains half of what I actually entered.

    I have SSC in both the trusted zone and always accpet cookies list.  My privacy setting is medium, just like it has been forever.

    Over the years I have come to accept this as just the way Windows works.  The problem will clear up on its own in a few weeks.

    Of course this isn't anything major, just one of those annoyances that cause you to scratch your head until all the hair is gone.

  • Dan - I just wanted to let you know that you aren't alone in this mess.  I too have to log in just for the QOD.  Yet, I don't have to log in to come to the forums.  Running Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows 2000 SP 4 - no pop-up blockers or toolbars to interfere, with my security settings set pretty low.


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