QOD Cheats

  • If people were cheating to achieve something I think it would be a different matter entirely, but how much are they going to truly learn by copying the answers. And at the end of the day thats what it is all about, learning. What satisfaction they gonna get, 'woohoo I can copy and paste'!

    *I didn't do anything it just got complicated*

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • Hi Ritch,


    If people were cheating to achieve something I think it would be a different matter entirely, but how much are they going to truly learn by copying the answers. And at the end of the day thats what it is all about, learning.


    How much people do really want to learn?

    Want to look over the rim of their coffee cup?

    Or choosing the way of least resistance to walk through life?


    What satisfaction they gonna get, 'woohoo I can copy and paste'!

    Copy and paste is an art by itself. I would say, it applies for +90% of sourcecode reusage

    Wooh, too much intellectual stuff. I need another cup of coffee and look over the rim, haha !

    Hey, another thought that came to mind:

    How about adding a timer to QOD?

    Something like, when you finish within say 5 Minutes you'll get all points. After 10 minutes all -1, ....



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • quote:

    Or choosing the way of least resistance to walk through life?

    Well Frank, laziness is just an honest attempt at happiness mate


    Copy and paste is an art by itself. I would say, it applies for +90% of sourcecode reusage

    Shhhhh there maybe managers, or Project Managers, lurking around

    *I didn't do anything it just got complicated*

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • quote:

    Shhhhh there maybe managers, or Project Managers, lurking around

    so what?

    Do you really think they're doing something different with their ppt-slides???



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • quote:

    Do you really think they're doing something different with their ppt-slides???

    Frank, you must have outstanding PM's over there, if they not only know how to cut and paste but use ppt as well...wow

    PM's thats sarcasm btw

    *I didn't do anything it just got complicated*

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • quote:

    Frank, you must have outstanding PM's over there, if they not only know how to cut and paste but use ppt as well...wow

    to be honest, I think they let their department female secretary do the job!

    Hey, but what about the timer idea?



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • quote:

    Hey, but what about the timer idea?

    Good idea, but obviously they couldn't display the Q before we decide to answer. I would go for that idea if there was a subject on the genral area of the question beforehand. Otherwise it would become a speed BOL reading contest!

    *I didn't do anything it just got complicated*

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • "people will lose interest if they feel that other people are 'cheating'"

    Quite a silly statement. Should be:

    "people will lose interest if they feel that the questions are bogus and a waste of their time."

    This is not the case with QOD. Keep up the good work!

  • You'll never stop 'cheaters'. First you need to define what a 'cheater' is.

    Is it a person who waits until the answer comes out and then sends in their response?

    Is it a person who looks the answer up in BOL or other SQL Server books and then responds?

    Is it a person who 'tests' the answer out using SQL Server and then responds?

    Is it a person who only answers the questions that they absolutely know the answers to? (remember, this gives them a 100% correct response percentage).

    Me, I don't care if EVERYONE cheats.

    I'll answer the questions that I think I know the answer to along with ones that I'll take some time to look up in BOL or elsewhere. All the others, I'll learn by seeing the answer the next day, but I won't go back and submit the answer after being provided the answer by SQLServerCentral.

    I only use the percentage results to see where my weak areas are. That lets me go back and learn more and improve myself.

    There is only ONE way to keep the stats accurate. Have the question hidden, then the person must select a button saying they are ready to take the day's test. Require a response within a specific amount of time (5 minutes?) after 'openning' the question. Require EVERYONE to answer EVERY Question. Deduct points for each question not answered and for each wrong answer.

    I say leave it alone and let's just use it as a learning tool.


  • I recently observed that the answers are being published next day. Using them is not my way of taking a test. If bragging is what you are using QOD for then go ahead and cheat. But, As with any other means of learning, test your awareness and knowledge in practice. I am sure even when answering the same day many will use the SQL books online or try the same before answering. It's all part of the learning and the integrity guys..

    Have fun learning...

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