queries problem

  • hi evryone

    i want my freinds name who borrowed ever movies from me and movie name 'titanic'.

    I tried like as below

    select freinds_name from freinds where movie_name='titanic' and borrowin_date<today'sdate

    I want to write like this but i dont know how to write borrowing date must be before today's date.

    another question is related like this

    i want query that will list the names of my friends who are current borrowing one or more CDs and the number of days since the borrowed it..

    select freinds_name from freinds where returned_date = null and today's_date- borrowed date

    I want number of days since CDs are borrowed. If returned date is not null means that cds have been returned.

    I want both queries solved

    Please help me.

    Waiting for reply.

  • I think you're almost there. But instead of "today's date" you need to use the GETDATE() function which returns the current Date/Time.

    Your other problem might be that you've spelt 'friend' wrong.

  • Query 1

    select friends_name

    from freinds

    where movie_name='titanic' and borrowed_date<getdate()

    Query 2

    select friends_name, datediff(d, borrowed_date, getdate()) as DayCount 

    from friends

    where returned_date is null and borrowed_date<getdate()

    Hope this helps

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