
  • I have 2 tables

    1. Emp(empid,name,no)

    2. Books(Bookid,empid,name)

    Here I want to update empid=2 to empid =4 before that I want to check If empid=2 is in table Books then I have to make sure empid=4 is also in table books else want to raise an error .

  • Here's how to raise the error:  This assumes that empid 2 and 4 are static, is this the case?


    IF NOT EXISTS(Select 1 from Books where empid in (2,4)) BEGIN

    RAISERROR('EmployeeId 2 and/or 4 were not found in dbo.Books.',16,1)

    ... ELSE Update ...



    Update Books Set empid = 4 where empid = 2

    IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 RAISERROR('EmployeeId 2 and/or 4 were not found in dbo.Books.',16,1)

    or even further (seperate error for each condition)


    SET @ERR = ''

    IF (Select count(*) from Books where empid = 2) = 0

     SET @ERR = @ERR+' EmpId 2 was not found in dbo.books.'

    IF (Select count(*) from books where empid = 4) = 0

     SET @ERR = @ERR+' EmpId 4 was not found in dbo.books.'

    IF @ERR = '' BEGIN

     SET @ERR = 'The Following errors were encountered before the update.'+@ERR

     RAISERROR (@ERR,16,1)



     UPDATE books set empid = 4 where empid = 2


  • You can also create a foreign key between the 2 emp ids.  That way the master key can't be updated if childs exists.  You can also add the "on update casacade" option so that you caq update a single table and have all children updated without having to code it.

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