
  • Jack Corbett (4/7/2008)

    bitbucket (4/7/2008)

    Getting tired, so very tired of sloppily worded questions ...

    dob not defined as a column name in the table or for that matter anywhere in question ... so it can not, and will not return the correct values :w00t:

    If a DBA was as careless as some of these last few questions, he/she would be looking for a job PDQ. (Pretty darn quick).

    Proposed it twice before and will propose it again.

    Steve ask for volunteers to be appointed to a panel that checks and double checks these question BEFORE they are published as the QOD.

    Have you posted it in the Suggestions Forum, http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Forum4-1.aspx? I am not sure you can be guaranteed that Steve or anyone else is going to read every post in a forum containing a long list of the same complaint(s) over and over. I think it is a good suggestion, but you need to be sure the people checking the questions know that portion of SQL Server. It would be very difficult for me to adequately edit a question on Analysis Services or Full-Text Search as I do not currently use either so I don't have the knowledge to be sure I will know the correct answer(s).

    I hate to quote myself, but I did make a post about ethe QOD in the Suggestions Forum to which Steve responded within about an hour. Here is a link to Steve's response http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic480829-4-1.aspx#bm480925.

    Edit: I was posting this as Steve posted his answer. I still recommend looking at the link, it is an eye-opener.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
    Check out these links on how to get faster and more accurate answers:
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  • Steve Jones - Editor (4/7/2008)

    If you see an issue, and someone else has posted it, answering a "me too, or dob isn't listed" just puts me in a bad mood.

    Sorry Steve, sometimes we are lazy too :ermm: by not reading all the posts. Plus at least that gets us our point. :satisfied: However, point taken, or not... I think I understand.

  • datename(m,join_date) like '%a%' ???

    Where is the "a" in Feb

  • aweican (4/7/2008)

    datename(m,join_date) like '%a%' ???

    Where is the "a" in Feb

    Oh dear! how to miss the point! 😀

    (Hint: it is s the 6th letter of february)

    Hiding under a desk from SSIS Implemenation Work :crazy:

  • Shaun McGuile (4/7/2008)

    aweican (4/7/2008)

    datename(m,join_date) like '%a%' ???

    Where is the "a" in Feb

    Oh dear! how to miss the point! 😀

    :(, My fault about "Febuary". If it was an interview question, I will faild for sure.

  • I can understand looking at the QotD as a puzzle sometimes and not always from a 'best practices' perspective.

    Good point Steve.

  • I think we should stop this.

    Personally I have not put the message claiming nothing, but to joke with the situation.

    (See my message emoticons, which are for that)

    Nobody will die for a point less so, in my humble opinion, it should not make a scandal of it.

    I never would have imagined it was going to create this problem. Had I known beforehand, I do not write anything.

    I believe that neither Steve Jones nor the rest of the moderators, deserve to be accused in this way.

    Stop, guys, please.

    Greetings From Argentina!Pablo

  • Regardless of the presence of dob in the author s answer, I feel that the answer provided by the author is not right.

    The first option "Month(join_date) In (1,2,3,4,5,8)" would be the rigth answer with respect to the question he has asked.

    A word to the Author of the question:

    I suggest you have another look at your question !!:doze:

  • I hate to beat this dead horse, but the corrected question/answer went out today.

    Explanation: Either of the first two answers will work. All the month names have at least the letter 'a' once. The month function returns the number of the month, that can be compared against the month number of given months

    In Spanish, the month of february is febrero, in french it's Février, etc... and depending on the language settings your SQL server is set to, you'll get different results.

    Because of that, datename(m,join_date) like '%a%' is not 100% valid.

    --Mark Tassin
    MCITP - SQL Server DBA
    Proud member of the Anti-RBAR alliance.
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  • Is the question poster a US citizen by any chance? 😀

    it would explain the 'english' bias of the question.

    Hiding under a desk from SSIS Implemenation Work :crazy:

  • Shaun McGuile (4/8/2008)

    Is the question poster a US citizen by any chance? 😀

    it would explain the 'english' bias of the question.

    I'm a US Citizen... doesn't change the fact that I'm cognizant of the fact that there are other languages out there.

    --Mark Tassin
    MCITP - SQL Server DBA
    Proud member of the Anti-RBAR alliance.
    For help with Performance click this link[/url]
    For tips on how to post your problems[/url]

  • So it was not really a bad question....

    Just a poorly written set of answers. :Whistling:


    Hiding under a desk from SSIS Implemenation Work :crazy:

  • I like the math here 😉

    Correct answers: 72% (966)

    [font="Courier New"]


    month(join_date) in (1,2,3,4,5,8) 61%

    datename(m,join_date) like '%a%' 37%

    Not in List 26%



    Or was Steve just hacking into the table directly 😀

    I also had it wrong, but how do ya say? *$%# happens.

    Let he who is without bugs, cast the first stone... (it's

    not me of course)

    Best Regards,

    Chris Büttner

  • ... And what about the Not in List option? I didn't see DATEPART(month,join_date) in (1,2,3,4,5,8) in the list, so that should be a valid option too

  • The first option is the only correct one when you take into account languages etc. The second option only true for some languages.

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 95 total)

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