query dts packages...

  • i'm trying to query the connection objects

    in a dts packages, but having trouble getting

    to that kind of information.

    is this possible?

    i've already checked the following tables,

    and couldn't find any thing.






    just wondering if there was another way to do this.

    thanks in advance.


  • If the dts package stored in MSDB, it will be stored in sysdtspackages table but you can't query the Package configuration...because it is stored in hex format in sysdtspackages.packagedata column.

    You may need to write VB code...to do this...OR save the package as VB file and search...


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • well... instead of reinventing the wheel up front, i'll

    think i'll browse the net for some scripts which will do this.

    i'll also deconstruct one of the packages via vb, and see what

    i can see.

    thanks for the reply.


  • I received help from Nigel Rivett's Activex script which I have modified and is listed below. Remember to include the necessary global variables in your DTS package. Each package is scripted in its own file in the directory specified in one of the global variables.


    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script

    ' Author Nigel Rivett

    ' http://www.nigelrivett.net/ScriptDTSProperties.html


    Function Main()

    Dim sServerName

    Dim sPath

    Dim sUserName

    Dim sPassword

    Dim iTrusted

     sServerName = DTSGlobalVariables("ServerName").Value

     sPath = DTSGlobalVariables("Path").Value

     sUserName = DTSGlobalVariables("UserName").Value

     sPassword = DTSGlobalVariables("Password").Value

     if len(sUserName) = 0 then

      iTrusted = "Y"


      iTrusted = "N"

     end if

     iTrusted = "Y"

     ScriptDTSPackages sServerName, sPath, iTrusted, sUserName, sPassword


     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    Private Sub ScriptDTSPackages(sServerName, sPath, iTrusted, sUserName, sPassword)

    Dim objCon

    Dim objCmd

    Dim objRsPackageNames

     Set objCon = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")


     if iTrusted = "Y" then

      objCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;" & _

        "Data Source=" & sServerName & ";" & _

        "Initial Catalog=" & "msdb" & ";" & _

        "Integrated Security=SSPI"


      objCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;" & _

        "Data Source=" & sServerName & ";" & _

        "User Id=" & sUserName & ";" & ";" & _

        "Password=" & sPassword & ";" & _

        "Initial Catalog=" & "msdb"

     end if


     objCon.CursorLocation = 3  'adUseClient


     Set objCmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

     objCmd.ActiveConnection = objCon

     objCmd.CommandType = 1  'adCmdText

     objCmd.CommandText = "select distinct name from sysdtspackages order by name"


     Set objRsPackageNames = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

     Set objRsPackageNames = objCmd.Execute


     'ScriptDTSPackage "alantest", frmInitial.txtFolder, frmInitial.txtServer, frmInitial.chkTrusted, frmInitial.txtUsername, frmInitial.txtPassword


     Do While Not objRsPackageNames.EOF

      ScriptDTSPackage2 objRsPackageNames("Name"), sPath, sServerName, iTrusted, sUserName, sPassword




     Set objRsPackageNames = Nothing

     Set objCmd = Nothing

     Set objCon = Nothing


    End Sub

    Private Sub ScriptDTSPackage2(sPackageName, sFolder, sServer, iTrusted, sUID, sPWD)

    Dim objFileScript

    Dim objFStream

    Dim objDTSPackage

    Dim objDTSTask

    Dim objDTSConnection

    Dim objDTSTransformation

    Dim objDTSDataPumpTask

    Dim objDTSGlobalVariable

    Dim objDTSCustomTask

    Dim objDTSProperty

    Dim objDTSDynamicPropertiesTask

    Dim objDTSDynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment

    Dim i

    Dim s1

    Dim s2

     Set objFileScript = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

     Set objFStream = objFileScript.CreateTextFile(sFolder & sPackageName & "_properties.txt")

     ' load package

     Set objDTSPackage = CreateObject("DTS.Package2")

     If iTrusted = "Y" Then

      objDTSPackage.LoadFromSQLServer sServer, , , 256, , , , sPackageName


      objDTSPackage.LoadFromSQLServer sServer, sUID, sPWD, , , , , sPackageName

     End If


     ' Global variables

     objFStream.WriteLine "************************"

     objFStream.WriteLine "Global Variables"

     objFStream.WriteLine "************************"

     For Each objDTSGlobalVariable In objDTSPackage.GlobalVariables

      objFStream.WriteLine "<" & objDTSGlobalVariable.name & "=" & objDTSGlobalVariable.value & ">"



     ' connections

     objFStream.WriteBlankLines 2

     objFStream.WriteLine "************************"

     objFStream.WriteLine "Connections"

     objFStream.WriteLine "************************"

     For Each objDTSConnection In objDTSPackage.Connections

      objFStream.WriteLine "<ID=" & objDTSConnection.ID & ">" & "<name=" & objDTSConnection.Name & ">" & "<Source=" & objDTSConnection.DataSource & ">" & "<ProviderID=" & objDTSConnection.ProviderID & ">"



     ' tasks

     objFStream.WriteBlankLines 2

     objFStream.WriteLine "************************"

     objFStream.WriteLine "Tasks"

     objFStream.WriteLine "************************"

     For Each objDTSTask In objDTSPackage.Tasks

      objFStream.WriteLine "<type=" & objDTSTask.CustomTaskID & ">" & "<name=" & objDTSTask.Name & ">" & "<Description=" & objDTSTask.Description & ">"

      ' executesql task

      If objDTSTask.CustomTaskID = "DTSExecuteSQLTask" Then

       objFStream.WriteLine "<sql statement>"

       objFStream.WriteLine objDTSTask.Properties("SQLStatement")

       objFStream.WriteLine "<sql statement end>"

      ' datapump task

      ElseIf objDTSTask.CustomTaskID = "DTSDataPumpTask" Then

       objFStream.WriteLine "<SourceObjectName=" & objDTSTask.Properties("SourceObjectName") & ">" & "<SourceConnectionID=" & objDTSTask.Properties("SourceConnectionID") & ">"

       If objDTSTask.Properties("SourceSQLStatement") <> "" Then

        objFStream.WriteLine "<source sql statement>"

        objFStream.WriteLine objDTSTask.Properties("SourceSQLStatement")

        objFStream.WriteLine "<source sql statement end>"

       End If

       objFStream.WriteLine "<DestinationObjectName=" & objDTSTask.Properties("DestinationObjectName") & ">" & "<DestinationConnectionID=" & objDTSTask.Properties("DestinationConnectionID") & ">"

       Set objDTSDataPumpTask = objDTSTask.CustomTask

       objFStream.WriteLine "<transformations=" & ">"

       For Each objDTSTransformation In objDTSDataPumpTask.Transformations

        For i = 1 To objDTSTransformation.DestinationColumns.Count

         objFStream.WriteLine objDTSTask.Properties("SourceObjectName") & "." & objDTSTransformation.SourceColumns(i).Name & " --> " & objDTSTask.Properties("DestinationObjectName") & "." & objDTSTransformation.DestinationColumns(i).Name



       objFStream.WriteLine "<transformations=" & " end>"

      ' dynamic proprties task

      ElseIf objDTSTask.CustomTaskID = "DTSDynamicPropertiesTask" Then

       Set objDTSDynamicPropertiesTask = objDTSTask.CustomTask

       For Each objDTSDynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment In objDTSDynamicPropertiesTask.Assignments

        If objDTSDynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment.SourceType = 0 Then

         s1 = "<INIFile=" & objDTSDynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment.SourceIniFileFileName & ">" & "<key=" & objDTSDynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment.SourceIniFileSection & "." & objDTSDynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment.SourceIniFileKey & ">"

        End If

        s2 = " --> " & "<" & objDTSDynamicPropertiesTaskAssignment.DestinationPropertyID & ">"

        objFStream.WriteLine s1 & s2


      ' Activex script task

      ElseIf objDTSTask.CustomTaskID = "DTSActiveScriptTask" Then

       objFStream.WriteLine "<ActiveXScript>"

       objFStream.WriteLine objDTSTask.Properties("ActiveXScript")

       objFStream.WriteLine "<ActiveXScript end>"

      ' Creae Proecss task

      ElseIf objDTSTask.CustomTaskID = "DTSCreateProcessTask" Then

       objFStream.WriteLine "<ProcessCommandLine>"

       objFStream.WriteLine objDTSTask.Properties("ProcessCommandLine")

       objFStream.WriteLine "<ProcessCommandLine end>"

      ' Send Mail task

      ElseIf objDTSTask.CustomTaskID = "DTSSendMailTask" Then

       Set objDTSCustomTask = objDTSTask.CustomTask


       For Each objDTSProperty In objDTSCustomTask.Properties

        objFStream.WriteLine objDTSProperty.name & "=" & objDTSProperty.value


      ' FTP task

      ElseIf objDTSTask.CustomTaskID = "DTSFTPTask" Then


       For Each objDTSProperty In objDTSTask.Properties

        objFStream.WriteLine objDTSProperty.name & "=" & objDTSProperty.value


      ' Trasnfer Objects task

      ElseIf objDTSTask.CustomTaskID = "DTSTransferObjectsTask" Then

       Set objDTSCustomTask = objDTSTask.CustomTask


       For Each objDTSProperty In objDTSCustomTask.Properties

        objFStream.WriteLine objDTSProperty.name & "=" & objDTSProperty.value



       objFStream.WriteLine "**********************" & objDTSTask.Name & "  task name not catered for **********************"

      End If

      objFStream.WriteBlankLines 2




     Set objFStream = Nothing

     Set objDTSPackage = Nothing

    End Sub

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