query formating without using procs

  • Sorry, guys. I just noticed that in the function and the select statement at the end, the table is called days_area instead of DaysArea. I had started to edit my code to change the names back to the original but then changed my mind. I thought I had undid all the changes, but I missed this one.

    I've edited the post so this only applies if you got to it before I fixed it.


    PS: So why did I change the names in the first place you ask? To make everything less confusing, of course!

    Tomm Carr
    Version Normal Form -- http://groups.google.com/group/vrdbms

  • Thanks Newbie.

    i know going with procedures makes the steps easier.

    but have some restrictions for me of not to use any procedures.

    so trying to do with queries.

    Thanks once again.


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