Query Help

  • I have two tables:

    Book is a table representing books - one row per book

    BookCategory is a table relating a book and a category

    The relationship between Book and BookCategory is 1->M. (A book can have 1 or more categories)

    I can correctly query for books that have ANY of a set of categories (ex. 'A' or 'B') with the following:

    SELECT fk_BookId FROM BookCategory WHERE Category IN ('A','B') GROUP BY fk_BookId

    Here's a query I'm having trouble with:

    I'm trying to query for books that have NONE of a set of categories (ex. 'A' or 'B') with the following:

    SELECT fk_BookId FROM BookCategory WHERE Category NOT IN ('A','B') GROUP BY fk_BookId

    Here is some TSQL that creates a temptable fills it and shows the query results:

    drop table #BookCategory

    CREATE TABLE #BookCategory (

     Category CHAR(2),

     FK_Book  INT


    insert into #BookCategory




    insert into #BookCategory




    insert into #BookCategory




    insert into #BookCategory




    insert into #BookCategory




    select * from #BookCategory

    select FK_BOOK from #BookCategory WHERE CATEGORY IN ('A','B') GROUP BY FK_Book

    -- The following is an attempt to find books that dont fall into categories A and B

    --  - the result I'm expecting is to only see one row-   3

    --    but instead  I see 2,3

    select FK_BOOK from #BookCategory WHERE CATEGORY NOT IN ('A','B') GROUP BY FK_Book



    Rick Hodder

  • Try This.









    Not In (Select Distinct FK_Book From #BookCategory Where Category In ('A','B'))

  • Are you trying to get the data where it's not in Category A or Category B, or not in both of them?

    BookId Category

    1 A

    1 B

    2 A

    3 B


    With the above info, what would you want returned? (Posting tip: It helps to show sample data, table structure, and what you want returned when you post a question).


  • Hi SQLBill,

    Not in both of them.

    4 would be the result I expected from the data you give above

    And a related question: I would like to be able to query for in both of them.

    >>(Posting tip: It helps to show sample data, table structure, and what you want returned when you post a question).

    I did put code that creates and runs against a temporary table, shows the queries, and tells what I got vs what I was expecting

    Thanks for your help



    Rick Hodder

  • I would use a self join in this case:


    FROM #BookCategory bc1

    LEFT JOIN #BookCategory bc2 on bc1.FK_BOOK = bc2.FK_BOOK AND bc2.CATEGORY IN ('A','B')


    In addition to this and Daniel's solution, another possible way to do it is with NOT EXISTS in the WHERE clause:


    FROM #BookCategory bc1

    WHERE NOT EXISTS (select FK_BOOK from #BookCategory where FK_BOOK = bc1.FK_BOOK and CATEGORY IN ('A','B'))


  • I noticed in your original post the following:

    CREATE TABLE #BookCategory (

     Category CHAR(2),

    It could be the CHAR(2) giving you the problem.  The Category is getting a blank space padded to the A or B so you need to TRIM it before you look for it IN ('A','B').


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