Query Help

  • Hello

    I need one help to develop logic

    please help me to this

    create table #Enrollement


    StudentID Varchar(10),

    SchoolID Int,

    EntryDate int,

    EntryCode Char(3),

    WithdrawalDate int,

    WithdrawalCode char(3),

    SchoolYear int


    insert into #Enrollement values ('0082600',101,20120830,'A',20120128,NULL,2012)

    insert into #Enrollement values ('0082600',103,20130201,'A',20991231,NULL,2012)

    create table #Student


    StudentKey int,

    StudentID Varchar(10),

    CurrentIEPStatus int,

    FRLunch int,

    EnrolledSchoolID int,

    EnrolledSchoolKey int,

    StartDate int,

    EndDate int,

    CurrentFlag int


    insert into #Student values (740681,'0082600',0,0,101,6540,20120830,20120930,0)

    insert into #Student values (740682,'0082600',0,1,101,6540,20120930,20991231,1)

    in requirement, based on EndDate in #Student, I need to display StudentKey and EnrolledSchoolKey.

    I try this

    select Distinct


    MAX(S.StudentKey) AS StudentKey,



    MAX(s.EnrolledSchoolKey) AS SchoolKey,




    E.WithDrawalCode from #Student s


    #Enrollement E

    on E.StudentID = S.StudentID

    where S.EndDate <=e.withdrawalDate

    and s.StudentID = '0082600'

    group by








    order by StudentKey

    and i got output as below

    StudentID StudentKey SchoolID SchoolKey EntryDate EntryCode WithDrawalDate WithDrawalCode

    0082600 740682 103 6540 20130201 A 20991231 NULL

    but desired out put is

    StudentID StudentKey SchoolID SchoolKey EntryDate EntryCode WithDrawalDate WithDrawalCode

    0082600 740681 101 6540 20120830 A 20120128 NULL

    0082600 740682 103 6540 20130201 A 20991231 NULL

    Please help me to do this

  • Sorry, I would like to help, but there are just too many things about all of this that don't make sense to me.

    For example, why are you (seemingly) storing students more than once in the STUDENT table?

    And shouldn't there be another table for SCHOOLS, with a single primary key (ID) that you would reference from other tables such as STUDENT, rather than having "schoolid" and "schoolkey" both stored in STUDENT?

    If you alter your design so it is properly normalized, you will eliminate redundant and incoherent data, and it will vastly simplify your queries.

    "If I had been drinking out of that toilet, I might have been killed." -Ace Ventura

  • autoexcrement (4/11/2013)

    Sorry, I would like to help, but there are just too many things about all of this that don't make sense to me.

    For example, why are you (seemingly) storing students more than once in the STUDENT table?

    If you alter your design so it is properly normalized, you will eliminate redundant and incoherent data, and it will vastly simplify your queries.

    Happens to be a normal occurance in a SIS apparently. It was when I worked at a school district. The student table had one (or more) records for each student enrolled for that school year.

    My question is what is the value of S.EndDate when this query was run.

  • Lynn Pettis (4/11/2013)

    autoexcrement (4/11/2013)

    Sorry, I would like to help, but there are just too many things about all of this that don't make sense to me.

    For example, why are you (seemingly) storing students more than once in the STUDENT table?

    If you alter your design so it is properly normalized, you will eliminate redundant and incoherent data, and it will vastly simplify your queries.

    Happens to be a normal occurance in a SIS apparently. It was when I worked at a school district. The student table had one (or more) records for each student enrolled for that school year.

    My question is what is the value of S.EndDate when this query was run.

    basically we capture changes during a year so Student table has multiple records.

    Start and EndDate is for that purpose of track those changes

  • yogi123 (4/11/2013)

    Lynn Pettis (4/11/2013)

    autoexcrement (4/11/2013)

    Sorry, I would like to help, but there are just too many things about all of this that don't make sense to me.

    For example, why are you (seemingly) storing students more than once in the STUDENT table?

    If you alter your design so it is properly normalized, you will eliminate redundant and incoherent data, and it will vastly simplify your queries.

    Happens to be a normal occurance in a SIS apparently. It was when I worked at a school district. The student table had one (or more) records for each student enrolled for that school year.

    My question is what is the value of S.EndDate when this query was run.

    basically we capture changes during a year so Student table has multiple records.

    Start and EndDate is for that purpose of track those changes

    Quite familiar with this having worked at a k-12 public school district for 5 years. Unfortunately it is difficult to tell you why you got the results you did instead of the expected results since we can't see the data used.

    You need to provide us with a reasonable facsimile of your problem (tables, sample data in a readily consummable format -- i.e. cut/paste/run in SSMS) for us to really help.

  • Lynn Pettis (4/11/2013)

    My question is what is the value of S.EndDate when this query was run.

    I'm taking it to mean that we need to "anchor" the #student table to return only a single version of each StudentID. With that in mind, will something like this work?

    select e.StudentID,








    from #student s

    join #enrollement e on s.enddate >= e.WithdrawalDate and s.StudentID = e.StudentID

    where s.StudentID = '0082600'

    and s.CurrentFlag = 1

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