Query Help

  • drop table #TypeCode

    create table #TypeCode(TypeCodeId int identity(1,1), TypeCode bigint, Name varchar(50))

    insert into #TypeCode values

    (3001, 'Loan Type'),

    (3004, 'Transaction Type'),

    (3009, 'Event Type'),

    (3015, 'Participant Type')

    -- select * from #TypeCode

    drop table #LD

    create table #LD(TDID bigint identity(1,1), TranID bigint, LoanID bigint, [Description] varchar(500))

    insert into #LD values

    (1234, 5467, 'sdasdas asd asdas'),

    (1232, 2357, 'nbvnvb vbjjytuytu yt'),

    (1344, 7989, 'yuimhjkhj'),

    (1734, 2456, 'retret ghjghjghj'),

    (1854, 8883, 'ewrgghjg hhgj'),

    (1784, 2357, 'ytuyu ghjghjghj'),

    (1284, 9734, 'werewrew ewrwerw')

    -- select * from #LD

    drop table #PD

    create table #PD(PDID bigint, TranID bigint, [Description] varchar(500))

    insert into #PD values

    (3456, 1234, 'fghfg fghf hfgh'),

    (2135, 1234, 'sdjhjk hjkhj khjk'),

    (7564, 1854, 'wewqg ghjghj hgj')

    -- select * from #PD

    drop table #EventLog

    create table #EventLog(EID int, SourceID bigint, SourceType bigint, Description varchar(500))

    insert into #EventLog values

    (1, 1234, 3004, 'sadasdadadasfsdfsd fsdfsdf'), -- 3004 means its TranID from #LD

    (2, 1234, 3004, 'erewrwerwerw '),

    (3, 1234, 3004, 'erewsfsdf sdfsf sdf '),

    (4, 5467, 3001, 'ertre rett sdfsf sdf '), -- 3001 means its LoanID from #LD

    (5, 5467, 3001, 'kljkljkl rett sdfsf sdf '),

    (6, 3456, 3015, 'utyutyu tyu yutyutuy '), -- 3015 means its PDID from #PD

    (7, 1784, 3004, 'sadsadasdasd asdasdsad ')

    Now basically in event log for same transaction id I have different source type id data. I have one store procedure which I pass only #LD TranID and I want it return all event log for all different source type data for that transaction.

    Like If I pass TranID 1234 sp should return EID 1 to 6

  • You're not particularly clear about the relationships between each table so this is just a shot in the dark.

    DECLARE @TranID BIGINT = '1234';

    SELECT DISTINCT c.EID, c.SourceID, c.SourceType, c.Description

    FROM #LD a

    JOIN #PD b ON a.TranID = b.TranID

    CROSS APPLY #EventLog c

    WHERE a.TranID = @TranID AND SourceID IN (a.TranID, a.LoanID, b.PDID);

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
    [url url=http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/St

  • Something like:

    SELECT e.EID FROM #EventLog e


    ON e.SourceID = l.TranId

    WHERE l.TranID = 1234

    AND e.SourceType = 3004


    SELECT e.EID FROM #EventLog e


    ON e.SourceID = l.LoanId

    WHERE l.TranId = 1234

    AND e.SourceType = 3001


    SELECT e.EID FROM #EventLog e


    ON e.SourceID = p.PDID

    WHERE p.TranID = 1234

    AND e.SourceType = 3015

    You can try to do it in one query with some outer joins and case statements in the ON clauses, but this way just looks cleaner. You can switch from union all to union if you want to filter out duplicates, and add any fields from #EventLog you want to select.

  • Thanks its solve my issue

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