Query HELP

  • Hi,

       i need help on this.I have a table A which has a column called firm which

    has values like as follows

    1 Adelson & Company, P.C.

    2 Deborah H. Brown, CPA, LLC

    3 R.E. Brown & Company

    4 Bill Fraher, CPA

    5 Giusti, Hingston and Company

    6 Hague, Sahady & Co., CPA's, P.C.

    what i want is to insert the above values in Table B in the two columns called ID and Name as follows

    ID                Name

    1                Adelson & Company, P.C.

    2                Deborah H. Brown, CPA, LLC

    3                R.E. Brown & Company

    4                Bill Fraher, CPA

    5               Giusti, Hingston and Company

    6               Hague, Sahady & Co., CPA's, P.C.


  • Try this:

    select substring(@string, 1, patindex(@string, '% %') - 1), substring(@string, patindex(@string, '% %') - 1, len(@string) - patindex(@string, '% %'))

  • Oops, meant this:

    select substring(@string, 1, patindex(@string, '% %') - 1), substring(@string, patindex(@string, '% %') + 1, len(@string) - patindex(@string, '% %'))

  • it does not work any suggestions

  • i get the following error message when i execute it.Any Suggestions


    substring(@string, 1, patindex(@string, '% %') - 1),


    (@string, patindex(@string, '% %') + 1, len(@string) - patindex(@string, '% %'))






    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 1

    Must declare the scalar variable "@string".

  • Try replacing the variable @string with the column you are trying to split into 2 seperate columns.

  • If you have alredy designed Table B then

    First you create temp table as

    Create table #TempTable

    ( ID identity(1,1)

    Name varchar(50)


    -- This will insert data into  #TempTable

    insert into #TempTable(Name)

    select [Name]

    from TableA

    -- Now #TempTable contains data as you want. Import it into requried table.

    --Other wise i.e. if u haven't created tableB then Create TableB same as #TempTable

  • Try this:


    into B ([ID],[Name])


    left(firm,charindex(' ',firm,1)),right(firm,len(firm)-charindex(' ',firm,1)) from A



  • I had my pattern and expression reversed.  Also note that I had to add a single quote to the sixth string due to the single quote in the company name:

    create table #MyTable (

        CompanyInfo varchar(128)


    create table #MyOtherTable (

        CompanyId int,

        CompanyName varchar(128)



    insert into #MyTable values ('1 Adelson & Company, P.C.')

    insert into #MyTable values ('2 Deborah H. Brown, CPA, LLC')

    insert into #MyTable values ('3 R.E. Brown & Company')

    insert into #MyTable values ('4 Bill Fraher, CPA')

    insert into #MyTable values ('5 Giusti, Hingston and Company')

    insert into #MyTable values ('6 Hague, Sahady & Co., CPA''s, P.C.')


    insert into #MyOtherTable

    select substring(CompanyInfo, 1, patindex('% %',CompanyInfo) - 1), substring(CompanyInfo, patindex('% %', CompanyInfo) + 1, len(CompanyInfo) - patindex('% %', CompanyInfo))

    from #MyTable


    select * from #MyTable

    select * from #MyOtherTable


    drop table #MyTable

    drop table #MyOtherTable


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