Query Help?

  • Apologies for the rather vague subject; I was struggling to state the question in a succinct one-liner.

    The situation is as follows:

    I have two fields; name (varchar) and ID (int). And I want a query that will give me all names that 'share' the same ID value. See code below:

    create table #temp1


    name varchar(10),

    ID int


    insert into #temp1

    select 'John',1 union

    select 'Jane',1 union

    select 'Fred',2 union

    select 'Adam',3 union

    select 'Paul',4 union

    select 'Lisa',5 union

    select 'Phil',3



    '1stName' = t1.name,

    'ID' = t1.ID,

    '2ndName' = t2.name


    #temp1 t1

    inner join #temp1 t2 on t1.ID = t2.ID


    t1.name <> t2.name

    The query above almost gives me what I want - it will return 4 records, because Jane and John both have and ID of 1, and Phil and Adam both have an ID value of 3.

    However, the query returns 2 records for each pairing, i.e.

    Jane 1 John

    John 1 Jane

    And what I want to achieve is to only return one record for each pairing. Using the above Jane/John example I'm not concerned about which record to return; just whatever is easiest.

    I'm using SqlServer 2000 so can't do anything clever with ROWNUMBER unfortunately.

    Any help greatly appreciated.


  • Will this do what you need:

    create table #temp1


    name varchar(10),

    ID int


    insert into #temp1

    select 'John',1 union

    select 'Jane',1 union

    select 'Fred',2 union

    select 'Adam',3 union

    select 'Paul',4 union

    select 'Lisa',5 union

    select 'Phil',3;

    select ID, min(name) as Name

    from #temp1

    group by ID

    having count(*) > 1;

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • create table #temp1


    name varchar(10),

    ID int


    insert into #temp1

    select 'John',1 union

    select 'Jane',1 union

    select 'Fred',2 union

    select 'Adam',3 union

    select 'Paul',4 union

    select 'Lisa',5 union

    select 'Phil',3


    SELECT MIN(NAME), [id], MAX(NAME) FROM #temp1

    WHERE [ID] IN (

    SELECT [ID] FROM #temp1

    GROUP BY [id] HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)


    I am assuming that there will only be 2 possible names per group but I think this is what you are looking for.

  • Thanks guys.

    Of the two suggestions Matt's gives me the required output when using the sample data.

    Although I think I may have over-simplified the scenario by using the word 'pairs'.

    Matt, your use of MIN and MAX pre-supposes there will only ever be two names with the same ID (as you mention).

    What if the maximum number of names with the same ID is variable and not known?

    How can I return just one row for each ID that has multiple related names?, so let's assume we add another record to the sample data, the name 'Dave' and ID of 1. How would I query to return:

    1 Dave Jane John

    3 Adam Phil

    ....in 4 columns

    But with a solution that would handle more related names (i.e. return 5 columns if an ID has 4 related names)

    Thanks in advance,


  • I am not sure this satisfies your requirements but it does get you one row per ID. The names would be in a comma separated list. I couldn't figure out a good way of having dynamic columns so here is my current solution. I am creating a function named testCombiningRows but you are can name it whatever you like. If it does have to be dynamic rows I am not sure how to handle it.


    DROP TABLE tempTable

    CREATE TABLE tempTable ([id] VARCHAR(10), NAME VARCHAR(10))

    INSERT INTO tempTable VALUES ('1', 'Jessi')

    INSERT INTO tempTable VALUES ('1', 'Derek')

    INSERT INTO tempTable VALUES ('1', 'Derek2')

    INSERT INTO tempTable VALUES ('1', 'Derek3')

    INSERT INTO tempTable VALUES ('2', 'Gerald')

    INSERT INTO tempTable VALUES ('2', 'Gerald2')

    INSERT INTO tempTable VALUES ('3', 'Gerald3')

    INSERT INTO tempTable VALUES ('4', 'Test');


    IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('testCombiningRows')) IS NOT NULL

    DROP FUNCTION testCombiningRows


    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[testCombiningRows]


    @id int





    DECLARE @temp AS VARCHAR(100)

    SELECT @temp = COALESCE(@temp+',','')+[NAME] FROM tempTable

    WHERE [ID] = @id

    RETURN @temp



    SELECT DISTINCT id, dbo.testCombiningRows(tempTable.id) AS commaSeparated

    FROM tempTable

  • Jay

    I have been looking at your problem, how many names to you expect to have to return and may we know why?


  • Thanks for the answers guys. It isn't a real-world problem as such. It just relates to a query I was writing a few days ago, which made me wonder whether it was at all possible to:

    a) not return two rows per 'pairing' (which was achieved with min/max...how did I miss that!)

    b) have a dynamic, changing number of fields depending on the source data

    The commaseparated solution was one I was also considering as a round-a-bout way of achieving the same output.




  • jason (7/29/2009)

    b) have a dynamic, changing number of fields depending on the source data

    See the following... http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/articles/cross+tab/65048/

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • Okay, I may be under-thinking this, or I may just be to lazy, but wouldn't this work?:

    create table #temp1


    name varchar(10),

    ID int


    insert into #temp1

    select 'John',1 union

    select 'Jane',1 union

    select 'Fred',2 union

    select 'Adam',3 union

    select 'Paul',4 union

    select 'Lisa',5 union

    select 'Phil',3



    '1stName' = t1.name,

    'ID' = t1.ID,

    '2ndName' = t2.name


    #temp1 t1

    inner join #temp1 t2 on t1.ID = t2.ID


    t1.name > t2.name

  • Timothy J Hartford (7/30/2009)

    Okay, I may be under-thinking this, or I may just be to lazy, but wouldn't this work?:

    Not if there were more than two with one ID

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    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

  • jcrawf02

    Then I am missing the intent. This lists every unique combination only once.

    create table #temp1


    name varchar(10),

    ID int


    insert into #temp1

    select 'John',1 union

    select 'Jane',1 union

    select 'Fred',2 union

    select 'Adam',3 union

    select 'Paul',4 union

    select 'Lisa',5 union

    select 'Jarrod',5 union

    select 'Loves Subs',5 union

    select 'Phil',3



    '1stName' = t1.name,

    'ID' = t1.ID,

    '2ndName' = t2.name


    #temp1 t1

    inner join #temp1 t2 on t1.ID = t2.ID


    t1.name > t2.name


    1stName, ID, 2ndName

    Phil, 3, Adam

    John, 1, Jane

    Lisa, 5, Jarrod

    Loves Subs, 5, Jarrod

    Loves Subs, 5, Lisa

    Isn't that what was asked for? Each unique pairing?

  • Yes Tim, that was what was originally asked, but the discussion evolved into the possibility of there being more than two names per id. So you are correct, that answers the original question, but does not answer the subsequent one.

    How best to post your question[/url]
    How to post performance problems[/url]
    Tally Table:What it is and how it replaces a loop[/url]

    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

  • In my solution I show 3 names for ID 5.

  • Tim,

    What if there were two people of the same name sharing the same ID?

    Your WHERE criteria is what achieves the 'one row per pairing', but it

    would have a problem if two people of the same name shared an ID.

    And just changing the where clause operator from > to >= obviously

    won't work.

    Actually, that's quite interesting? How to handle this scenario?

    Without another field to somehow differentiate them it could be awkward,

    particularly using SS2K and not having any ROWNUMBER functionality.

    Thoughts anyone? Assuming 'John' in the sample data is changed to 'Jane',

    how could this be handled, with no other fields to differentiate the records?




  • Okay... that might be what I missed. Wouldn't a simple CTE solve that? And if you wanted only a distinct "John - Jane" add a distinct keyword?

    create table #temp1


    name varchar(10),

    ID int


    insert into #temp1

    select 'John',1 union ALL

    select 'Jane',1 union ALL

    select 'Fred',2 union ALL

    select 'Adam',3 union ALL

    select 'Paul',4 union ALL

    select 'Lisa',5 union ALL

    select 'Jarrod',5 union ALL

    select 'Loves Subs',5 union ALL

    select 'Phil',3 union ALL

    select 'John',1

    ;WITH NList

    AS (SELECT Name, ID, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Name) AS relID FROM #temp1)


    '1stName' = t1.name,

    'ID' = t1.ID,

    '2ndName' = t2.name


    NList t1

    inner join NList t2 on t1.ID = t2.ID


    t1.relID > t2.relID

    Drop table #temp1

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