Query Help!

  • Hello all

    i have this table (tblPosition):

    CveContacto   CvePaga        CveFactura    CveSistema            CvePricipal

    NULL              NULL             300008634            HH                   2152308001

    NULL              300006900      NULL                   HH                   2152308001

    2                       NULL             NULL                   HH                   2152308001

    NULL              300007777      NULL                   HH                   2152308020

    38                    NULL              NULL                   HH                   2152308020

    NULL              NULL             300001212            HH                   2152308020

    i need a query that give the next result:

    CveContacto   CvePaga        CveFactura      CveSistema            CvePricipal

    2                      300006900      300008634            HH                   2152308001

    38                     300007777      300001212           HH                   2152308020


    where CvePrincipal work how pivot


    i Hope that can help me,  thanx


    sorry my english is very bad

  • This will work given there is only one CveContacto, CvePaga, and CveFactura value for each grouping of CvePricipal, CveSistema.

    SELECT SUM(ISNULL(CveContacto,0)),


        SUM(ISNULL(CveFactura, 0)),



    FROM tblPosition

    GROUP BY CvePricipal, CveSistema


    Here is the sample data that I used:

    create table tblPosition ( CveContacto int,

        CvePaga bigint,

        CveFactura bigint,

        CveSistema char(2),

        CvePricipal bigint


    INSERT INTO tblPosition

    select NULL,NULL,300008634,'HH',2152308001 union all

    select NULL,300006900,NULL,'HH',2152308001 union all

    select 2,NULL,NULL,'HH',2152308001 union all

    select NULL,300007777,NULL,'HH',2152308020 union all

    select 38,NULL,NULL,'HH',2152308020 union all

    select NULL,NULL,300001212,'HH',2152308020


    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Thanx very much John

    for help me very fast

    your solution working very good



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