query help required

  • create table emp


    eid int,

    ename varchar(15),

    salary int,

    addres Varchar(15),

    datett datetime,

    act varchar(1)


    Above is a table schema of a employee table..

    following records are inserted in to the table

    insert into emp values(1,'AAAAA',10000,'abc','01/01/2005','n')

    insert into emp values(1,'AAAAA',10000,'xys','01/11/2005','n')

    insert into emp values(1,'AAAAA',20000,'xyz','01/01/2006','y')

    insert into emp values (1,'BBBBB',10000,'abc','01/01/2005','n')

    insert into emp values(1,'BBBBB',10000,'zzz','01/11/2005','n')

    insert into emp values(1,'BBBBB',21000,'zzz','01/01/2007','n')

    insert into emp values(1,'BBBBB',21000,'zzz','01/01/2008','n')

    The column descriptions are

    eid --> employee id

    ename --> employee name

    salary --> Salary of the employee

    addres --> address of the employee

    datett --> modified datetime

    act --> active flag.. (Y-> when active and N--> not active\retired)

    The functionality is

    A record is inserted in to the table emp whenever the details of the employee is added\modified. initialy the act flag will be y for the employee.. when his record is modified, the act flag will be changed to n.

    When the employee is retired the act flag is updated to n for the latest record..

    now the requirement is to get the latest records of all the employees as on 06\06\2007 and the employee should be active on the current date(i.e today)

    Kindest Regards,
    Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

  • Not sure if this will help. May be insufficient test data. I am assuming that the latest record (as per date) in emp table indicates the 'current' status of the employee. Correct me if I am wrong.


    (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Partition by ename ORDER BY datett

    desc)as Row_num

    FROM #emp )

    Select * from #emp T1

    Where datett <= '06/06/2007'



    WHERE T1.eid= T2.eid

    AND T1.ename = T2.ename

    AND T2.Row_num = 1

    AND T2.Act = 'Y')


  • Maybe I'm missing something but could it be as simple as this?

    SELECT *

    FROM emp

    WHERE act = 'y'

    AND datett <= '20070606'



  • Sorry Nabha..

    Let me explain exactly i want.

    If we look the table, we have 3 records for the empid 1,

    1st record on the 01-01-2005 was inserted when that employee actually joined.

    the 2nd record on 01/11/2005 was inserted when his address was changed from abc to xys

    the 3rd record on 01/01/2006 indicates, his salary and address was changed and the status on the last modified date indicates that the employee is still active and not yet retired..

    hope this help..

    thanks for ur reply.

    Kindest Regards,
    Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

  • Maybe I'm missing something but could it be as simple as this?




    That would give the records even if the employee is not active now.

    and the employee should be active on the current date(i.e today)


  • Paarthasarathy (2/10/2010)

    Sorry Nabha..

    Let me explain exactly i want.

    If we look the table, we have 3 records for the empid 1,

    1st record on the 01-01-2005 was inserted when that employee actually joined.

    the 2nd record on 01/11/2005 was inserted when his address was changed from abc to xys

    the 3rd record on 01/01/2006 indicates, his salary and address was changed and the status on the last modified date indicates that the employee is still active and not yet retired..

    hope this help..

    thanks for ur reply.

    The query which I've given wont work?


  • Help us help you, based on the sample data in the original post what is the expected results?

  • @Paarthasarathy: can it be there is an error in your sample data? The employees with ename AAAAA and BBBBB both have eid 1.

    To test my solution, I changed the eid for BBBBB to 2.

    Can you try this:

    SELECT *

    FROM emp m


    FROM emp a

    WHERE m.eid = a.eid

    AND a.act = 'y' )


    FROM emp d

    WHERE m.eid = d.eid

    AND d.datett > m.datett

    AND d.datett <= '20070606' )

    AND datett <= '20070606'



  • Hi Wschampler

    but the query does not work for this sample data..

    insert into emp values(1,'CCCCC',10000,'abc','01/01/2005','n')

    insert into emp values(1,'CCCCC',10000,'xys','01/11/2005','n')

    insert into emp values(1,'CCCCC',20000,'xyz','01/01/2006','n')

    insert into emp values(1,'CCCCC',20000,'xyy','01/01/2008','y')

    i need this employee to get returned in the result.. as he is still active

    Kindest Regards,
    Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

  • Again, based on the sample data, please show us what the expected results of the query would be. This will help us help you.

  • Wschampheleer,

    Sorry for misspelling your name in the first reply...

    i am getting the expected result...

    Thanks a million!

    Kindest Regards,
    Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

  • Paarthasarathy (2/10/2010)

    Hi Wschampler

    but the query does not work for this sample data..

    insert into emp values(1,'CCCCC',10000,'abc','01/01/2005','n')

    insert into emp values(1,'CCCCC',10000,'xys','01/11/2005','n')

    insert into emp values(1,'CCCCC',20000,'xyz','01/01/2006','n')

    insert into emp values(1,'CCCCC',20000,'xyy','01/01/2008','y')

    i need this employee to get returned in the result.. as he is still active

    I guess you still refer to my first post - I misinterpreted your requirement the first time. Please try the second query I posted. Looks like it is working just fine on this new data set:

    eid ename salary addres datett act

    1 AAAAA 20000 xyz 2006-01-01 00:00:00.000 y

    3 CCCCC 20000 xyz 2006-01-01 00:00:00.000 n



  • Lynn

    Sorry for the delay:

    This is the required output

    eid ename salary addres datett act

    ----------- --------------- ----------- --------------- ----------------------- ----

    1 BBBBB 21000 zzz 2007-01-01 00:00:00.000 n

    3 CCCCC 20000 xyz 2006-01-01 00:00:00.000 n

    Kindest Regards,
    Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

  • OK - glad I could help.



  • Yet another way 🙂

    select A.* from emp A

    where A.datett=(select max(C.datett)

    from emp C

    where A.eid = C.eid

    and C.datett <= '06/06/2006'


    and exists


    select '' from emp B

    where A.eid = B.eid

    and B.act='Y'


    Kindest Regards,
    Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

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