Query not showing results - Help

  • Dear All,


    I have a transaction Table Trans and a Customer Table Cust.



    Transaction Table has following fields








    Customer Table has following fields








    Unfortunately, there is no any date in Customer Table, when he was inserted in our database. Incase its transaction is present in TransactionTable, it should be in Customer Table.


    I have to make a report for SalesPersons and need commission on every Transaction (trans) for a Customer who is not one year old. There are thousands of Customers who are repeating in current year plus past five years since database exits.


    First I made a query to get those customers who are within the range of current year Transaction (within 1Year).



    FROM Trans

    WHERE DateReceived >= dateadd("yyyy",-1, GetDate())



    Then I made a query which gives me those customers whose transaction is older then Range (older then 1Year)



    FROM Trans

    WHERE DateReceived >= dateadd("yyyy",-1, GetDate())  and

    Customerid NOT IN


    select distinct CustomerID from Trans

    where DateReceived < dateadd("yyyy",-1, GetDate))


    This is my primary query to give those customer which are within the range then I will be able to make join with Customer table and Sales Person Table.


    but the above query gives me no record. Even there are more than 500 New Customers within a year  dateadd("yyyy",-1, GetDate))



    Please help and make a scenario and let me know how to solve it.


     Shamshad Ali

  • The derived table will create a list of customers that have transactions older than a year thus omitting the new customers within the year, but will still return transactions for the old customers that took place in the last year. 






    From (Select Distinct cu.CustomerID

    From dbo.Cust cu

    Inner Join dbo.Trans tr

    On cu.CustomerID = tr.CustomerID

    And tr.DateReceived <= DateAdd(yy, -1, GetDate())) d_cu

    Inner Join dbo.Cust cu

    On d_cu.CustomerID = cu.CustomerID

    Inner Join dbo.Trans tr

    On cu.CustomerID = tr.CustomerID

    Order By cu.CustomerName


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