Query Question about updates.

  • I am trying to update a table, but just cant wrap my head around how to do it. There are 3 columns in this table, here are a few example rows:

    Master_Job, Job_Number, Bonded

    1, 1, 0

    2, 2, 1

    3, 3, 1

    3, 3.1, 1

    3, 3.2, 0

    3, 3.3, 0

    What I am trying to do is update the bonded value to be the same for all rows that have the same master_job number, and to use the bonded value where master_job = job_number. (ie, all of the 3 jobs would have a bonded = 1)

    I was trying something along the lines of

    UPDATE tmp

    SET tmp.Bonded =

    (SELECT p.Bonded

    FROM tmp as p

    WHERE p.master_job = p.Job_Number )


    (SELECT p.bonded

    FROM tmp as p

    WHERE p.Master_job <> p.Job_Number )

    but this just set all bonded values to 1.

    I am probably missing something obvious here, so any help would be appreciated!

  • Using EXISTS here is your mistake... EXISTS does not evalute individual rows, it just finds out if the following query in parenthesis returns true or not.

    Use a self-join...

    UPDATE t

    SET t.Bonded = t2.Bonded

    FROM tmp t

    JOIN tmp t2

    ON t.Master_Job = t2.Master_job

    AND t.Job_Number t2.Job_Number

    AND t2.Master_Job = t2.Job_Number

    I think that should work...

  • Ah, thanks for clearing that up (and it worked perfectly BTW)!

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