Query runs slow due to MAX Date function.. suggestions?

  • Hi,

    We have a Comments table with a Date field, and I need to determine the latest comment date per comment type for any give customer. I've written a function that basically does a MAX on the comment date per customer and type, but it runs very slow.

    The Comment table is basically this:



    CustomerID NUMERIC (18) NOT NULL,


    CommentDate datetime

    I have a function ufnLastCommentDate that gets Max(CommentDate) based on CustomerID and TypeID.

    And my query to get the date per Customer is this:

    select CustomerID,

    dbo.ufnLastCommentDate(CustomerID,1) -- Querying Comment TypeID of 1

    from Customers

    We have almost 250,000 comments of various types and almost 50,000 customers. When I run the query above it takes

    I've been working with the indexes and I've tried almost every combination I can think of, but nothing really speeds it up. The query above takes almost 10 minutes to run for all 50,000 customers.

    Any suggestions? Thanks,

    Sam Alex

  • Any chance you could post some more code? like what your function does?

    Check out the following for what I'm tlaking about...


    But I'd think just a simple select should get you what you want...

    Select CustomerID , TypeID, Max(date)

    FROM Comments

    WHERE CustomerID = 'avalue' AND TypeID = 'Another Value'

    GROUP BY CustomerID , TypeID

    Edit: forgot the hyperlink

    To help us help you read this[/url]For better help with performance problems please read this[/url]

  • have a look at your execution plan and this will give you a clue where the bottlenecks are and help you pick the correct index.

    Is there a reason you are using a function to find the max date ? rather than use Group by?

  • Udfs have an unpleasnat tendency to perform rather poorly. One reason being that they run once for each row of the resultset so if you have 50000 customers, that function is running 50000 times.

    See - http://sqlinthewild.co.za/index.php/2009/04/29/functions-io-statistics-and-the-execution-plan/

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Hi Everyone,

    I didn't post the entire process because our eventual goal is to return a list of all Customer information from the Customer table and various other tables which is about 30+ fields, and one field needs to be the last comment date. It's speedy until I add the piece to pull in the latest comment date so I pulled that piece out to post a question on since the rest is running fine. Also due to company policy I can not paste code verbatim from our application into the forum which is why I tried to paste in the pertinent snippets hoping it would be enough for those more experienced then I in this area to make some suggestions.

    Here's the function that gets the date:

    alter FUNCTION [dbo].[ufnMaxCommentDate]


    @inCustomerID numeric(18,0),

    @inCommentType int


    RETURNS datetime



    DECLARE @outDate datetime


    @outDate = Max(Comment.CommentDate)




    CustomerID = @inCustomerID AND

    CommentType = @inCommentType

    RETURN @outDate


    And here's the Create Table code to create the comment table:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Comment] (

    [CommentID] NUMERIC (18) IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,

    [CommentType] NUMERIC (18) NOT NULL,

    [CustomerID] NUMERIC (18) NOT NULL,

    [CommentText] VARCHAR (MAX) DEFAULT ('') NOT NULL,

    [CommentDate] DATETIME DEFAULT (getdate()) NOT NULL,




    ON [dbo].[Comment]

    ([CommentDate] ASC, [CommentType] ASC, [CommentText] ASC)

    ANd here's the final SQL to bring it all together:

    SELECT CustomerID,

    dbo.ufnMaxCommentDate2(CustomerID, 1)

    FROM Customer

    The Comment table has 215425 records (all Type 1) and Customer table has 43077 records. The reason I'm not using a Group By is because the eventual query will have 30+ records crossing multiple tables, and it'll be really ugly doing a group by with all these fields. If that's the most efficient way of doing it I'll do it, but I'd assume if indexing was setup properly on the Comment table then getting the Max value on Comment Date shouldn't be a huge impact on speed.

    I also did check the Execution Plan, but it just showed the Clustered Index Seek taking 100% of the process. I guess as you guys mentioned it's just way too many records for a function to handle efficiently so a Group By might be the best option.

    THanks --

    Sam Alex

  • SELECT CustomerID,


    FROM Customer INNER JOIN

    (select Max(Comment.CommentDate) AS MaxCommentDate, CustomerID

    From Comment

    Where CommentType = 1

    GROUP BY CustomerID) AS Comments ON Customer.CustomerID = Comments.CustomerID

    This should perform well regardless of the other tables and because the group by is in the subquery, it's not going to get messy as you add more columns. More importantly, SQL should be able to run that subquery just once, rather than the 40000 times it would have been doing with the UDF.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass

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