query to excel

  • Code below works great and pulls data in query Analyzer but when I insert into a transform data task between the sql connetion(source) and a excel or text file connection(destination) I get an error when I run or even try to preview:

    No rowset was returned from sql statement.

    Is there a way to get this to work, I am going about it all wrong? Thanks,

    DECLARE @Today DateTime, @Yesterday DateTime, @RunDate char(25), @ForDate char(12)

    SET @Today = dateadd(dd,0, datediff(dd,0,getdate()))

    SET @Yesterday = dateadd(day, -1, @Today)

    SELECT @RunDate = convert(char(19), getdate())

    SELECT @ForDate = convert(char, @Yesterday)


    print 'Report run on ' + rtrim(@RunDate) + ' for ' + rtrim(@ForDate)

    print ' '

    print ' '

    print ' '


    USE docnet

    SELECT rtrim(de.FirstName) + ' ' + rtrim(de.LastName) AS 'Patient Full Name',

    rtrim(eu.Value) AS 'AlternatePtID',

    en.DischargeDate AS 'Discharge Date',

    rtrim(wt.ID) AS 'WorktypeID',

    rtrim(ep.Value) AS 'PT Class',

    do.EndDictTime AS 'Dictated Date-Time',

    do.CreateTime AS 'Transcribed Date-Time',

    do.LastModifiedTime AS 'Last Modified Time',

    rtrim(p.FirstName) + ' ' + rtrim(p.LastName) AS 'Dictator Name',

    do.InternalID AS 'DocumentID' FROM document do

    JOIN demographic de ON de.InternalID = do.PatientInternalID

    JOIN encounter en ON (en.InternalID = do.EncounterInternalID AND en.Location = 'SVH')

    JOIN worktype wt ON (wt.InternalID = do.WorktypeInternalID AND wt.ID in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,11,12,17))

    JOIN encuserdefineddata eu ON (eu.ObjectInternalID = en.InternalID AND eu.UserDefinedFieldInternalID = 91)

    JOIN encuserdefineddata ep ON (ep.ObjectInternalID = en.InternalID AND ep.UserDefinedFieldInternalID = 102)

    JOIN provider p ON p.InternalID = do.DictatorInternalID

    WHERE do.LastModifiedTime BETWEEN @Yesterday AND @Today AND en.DischargeDate <> ' ' AND (

    CASE WHEN (wt.ID = 3 AND ep.Value IN ('Ambulatory Surgery', 'Same Day Surgery')) THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END) = 0

  • Try moving that USE docnet to the first line of your query, it's just good practice.


    [font="Courier New"]

    WHERE do.LastModifiedTime BETWEEN @Yesterday AND @Today

    AND en.DischargeDate <> ' '

    AND (CASE WHEN (wt.ID = 3 AND ep.Value IN ('Ambulatory Surgery', 'Same Day Surgery')) THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END) = 0


    The way I read this... you only want rows that DO NOT meet the conditions you are specifying in your case expression. If they are both met, then you set your case value to 1. But you then compare that value to 0. Is that your intention, or is it a typo?


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Actually everything below the "use" is what you would put into the DTS task.

    Put the definitions for the variables inline in the code in place of the variables.

  • If he moves the USE, won't the variables be okay? Looks like all he's doing is getting values for today and yesterday.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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