query to find size of all tables in a database

  • Hi,

    My user has requested me to give him a query or a procedure,

    to get the size of all the tables in a particular database

    without passing any parameters from his side.

    I tried to find it out using information_schema.tables,but i can't figure it out properly.

    Also i tried if i could create a query,pass it to a variable and execute it like, exec(@sql),it didn't help me much.

    Can anyone help me solve this issue


  • Search this forum for sp_MSforeachtable and sp_spaceused.

    BOL may also give you some useful information.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Size of a table is not a precise requirement but if you run this you should get the number of datapages used by each table and number of records.

    DBCC UPDATEUSAGE (yourdatabase_name) WITH COUNT_ROWS

    SELECT name, dpages, rows

    FROM sysindexes

    WHERE indid = 0

    AND impid = -1

    ORDER BY name

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • --Sorry..the Script provided by me is to find out the spaces of Databases..hence am rolling back my posting.. ---

  • If you need the size of the tables including the index pages then use this

    SELECT name, dpages, reserved, rows

    FROM sysindexes

    WHERE indid = 0

    AND impid = -1

    ORDER BY name

    Where reserved is the total size of data and index pages

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • create table #spacedetails (name varchar(100),totrows bigint,reserved varchar(30), data varchar(30),index_size varchar(30), unused varchar(30))

    insert into #spacedetails

    exec sp_MSForeachtable @command1 = "sp_spaceused '?'"

    select name,totrows, replace(data,'KB','') as 'Data in KB',

    replace(Index_Size,'KB','') as 'Index Size in KB'  from #spacedetails order by name

    drop table #spacedetails


    This script will fullfil your needs.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • If you want you can sum the data,index and reserved columns to find out the exact space used by the tables.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • For up-to-date results you need to use:

    @command1 = 'sp_spaceused ''?'', ''true'''

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • -- Create the temp table for further querying

    CREATE TABLE #temp(

     ServerName varchar(30),

     DBName  varchar(40),

     rec_id  int IDENTITY (1, 1),

     table_name varchar(128),

     nbr_of_rows int,

     data_space decimal(15,2),

     index_space decimal(15,2),

     total_size decimal(15,2),

     percent_of_db decimal(15,12),

     db_size  decimal(15,2))

    -- Get all tables, names, and sizes

    EXEC sp_msforeachtable @command1="insert into #temp(nbr_of_rows, data_space, index_space) exec sp_mstablespace '?'",

       @command2="update #temp set table_name = '?' where rec_id = (select max(rec_id) from #temp)"

    -- Set the total_size and total database size fields

    UPDATE #temp

    SET total_size = (data_space + index_space),

     db_size = (SELECT SUM(data_space + index_space) FROM #temp),

     ServerName = @@ServerName,

     DBName = DB_Name()

    -- Set the percent of the total database size

    UPDATE #temp

    SET percent_of_db = (total_size/db_size) * 100

    -- Get the data

    -- Modify the percent_of_db int the where clause as

    -- desired









     cast(percent_of_db as decimal(5,2)) as PCNT,


    FROM #temp

    where percent_of_db > .99

    ORDER BY total_size DESC

    -- Comment out the following line if you want to do further querying

    DROP TABLE #temp


  • Hi all,

    Thank you for all the help.

    I have got the reqd result using sp_MSForeachtable.....


  • Here is a ready built script that will do what you want.

    Script to analyze table space usage




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