Query to list the service accounts ?

  • I have to go through a lot of SQL severs to get the service accounts running each service, it would be a heck of a lot easier if I had a select statement or system stored proc to list the accounts running each service...

    Is there such a way to do this via T-SQL?



  • Not to my knowledge (at least not directly from T-SQL). You may find a good way using SQL-DMO or SQL-SMO to do this but I don't have an example to provide you.

  • I didn't think so...I could not find anything about it anywhere...

  • Try this

    declare @val varchar(200)

    exec xp_regread @root_key = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'

    , @key = 'SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\MSSQLServer'

    , @valuename = 'ObjectName'

    , @value = @val output

    select @val

    Might have to alter for your server.

  • Hey Steve Thanks for the code...works like a charm.  I altered it a small bit to account for both service accounts and also listing one backup device...


    DECLARE @SQLService  	VARCHAR(60)
    DECLARE @AgentService  	VARCHAR(60)
    EXEC xp_regread @root_key  	= 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
       		@key   		= 'SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\MSSQLServer',
       		@valuename  	= 'ObjectName',
       		@value   	= @SQLService output
    EXEC xp_regread @root_key  	= 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
    		@key   		= 'SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\SQLSERVERAGENT',
       		@valuename  	= 'ObjectName',
       		@value   	= @AgentService output
     	@SQLService        							AS 'SQL Service Account',
      	@AgentService        							AS 'SQL Agent Account',
     	(SELECT TOP 1 phyname FROM master..sysdevices WHERE phyname LIKE '\\%') AS 'Backup Device'
    Thanks again man,
  • For SQL Server 2000 and 2005, here is a SQL batch that inlcudes supports for named instances. It has been tested when SQL Server is running on a cluster and when the SQL Servers that do not used the default collation. It also gets the service account for the DTS and Text search services, which should always be local system (or NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService on Windows 2003), as there is always someone who gets confused and changes these services to use some other account causing the services to fail.

    Set nocount on

    Set xact_abort on

    Declare @registrypath varchar(200)

    , @namedinstanceind char(1)

    , @instancename varchar(128)

    , @sqlserversvcaccount varchar(128)

    , @sqlagentsvcaccount varchar(128)

    , @dtcsvcaccount varchar(128)

    , @sqlsearchsvcaccount varchar(128)

    , @sqlserverstartup varchar(128)

    , @sqlagentstartup varchar(128)

    , @dtcstartup varchar(128)

    , @sqlsearchstartup varchar(128)

    Create table #registryentry (value varchar(50), data varchar(50))

    If @@servername is null

    Or (charindex('\',@@servername)=0)

    set @namedinstanceind = 'n'



    set @namedinstanceind = 'y'

    set @instancename = right( @@servername , len(@@servername) - charindex('\',@@servername))


    -- sql server

    Set @registrypath = 'system\currentcontrolset\services\'

    If @namedinstanceind = 'n'

    set @registrypath = @registrypath + 'mssqlserver'


    set @registrypath = @registrypath + 'mssql$' + @instancename

    Insert #registryentry

    Exec master..xp_regread 'hkey_local_machine' , @registrypath,'objectname'

    Select @sqlserversvcaccount = data from #registryentry

    Delete from #registryentry

    Insert #registryentry

    Exec master..xp_regread 'hkey_local_machine' , @registrypath,'start'

    Select @sqlserverstartup = data from #registryentry

    Delete from #registryentry

    -- sql agent

    Set @registrypath = 'system\currentcontrolset\services\'

    If @namedinstanceind = 'n'

    set @registrypath = @registrypath + 'sqlserveragent'


    set @registrypath = @registrypath + 'sqlagent$' + @instancename

    Insert #registryentry

    Exec master..xp_regread 'hkey_local_machine' , @registrypath,'objectname'

    Select @sqlagentsvcaccount = data from #registryentry

    Delete from #registryentry

    Insert #registryentry

    Exec master..xp_regread 'hkey_local_machine' , @registrypath,'start'

    Select @sqlagentstartup = data from #registryentry

    Delete from #registryentry

    -- distributed transaction coordinator

    Set @registrypath = 'system\currentcontrolset\services\msdtc'

    Insert #registryentry

    Exec master..xp_regread 'hkey_local_machine' , @registrypath,'objectname'

    Select @dtcsvcaccount = data from #registryentry

    Delete from #registryentry

    Insert #registryentry

    Exec master..xp_regread 'hkey_local_machine' , @registrypath,'start'

    Select @dtcstartup = data from #registryentry

    Delete from #registryentry

    -- search (sql server )

    Set @registrypath = 'system\currentcontrolset\services\mssearch'

    Insert #registryentry

    Exec master..xp_regread 'hkey_local_machine' , @registrypath,'objectname'

    Select @sqlsearchsvcaccount = data from #registryentry

    Delete from #registryentry

    Insert #registryentry

    Exec master..xp_regread 'hkey_local_machine' , @registrypath,'start'

    Select @sqlsearchstartup = data from #registryentry

    Delete from #registryentry

    Select cast( serverproperty ('machinename') as nvarchar(128) ) as machinename

    , coalesce ( cast( serverproperty ('instancename') as nvarchar(128) ) , 'default') as instancename

    , @sqlserversvcaccount as sqlserversvcaccount

    , @sqlagentsvcaccount as sqlagentsvcaccount

    , @dtcsvcaccount as dtcsvcaccount

    , @sqlsearchsvcaccount as sqlsearchsvcaccount

    , @sqlserverstartup as sqlserverstartup

    , @sqlagentstartup as sqlagentstartup

    , @dtcstartup as dtcstartup

    , @sqlsearchstartup as sqlsearchstartup

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Great script. Thank you.


  • For SQL Server 2008 R2 and later you could take advantage of DMV's and use a script like the one below:

    USE [master]


    SELECT value_data as [AccountName], registry_key

    FROM sys.dm_server_registry


    registry_key LIKE '%MSSQLSERVER%' --For named instance change to MSSQL$<instanceName>

    AND value_name = 'ObjectName'


    SELECT value_data as [AccountName], registry_key

    FROM sys.dm_server_registry


    registry_key LIKE '%SQLSERVERAGENT%' --For named instance change to SQLAgent$<instanceName>

    AND value_name = 'ObjectName'

  • Leeland and b.henry,

    Thanks. Both of those queries worked for me. Very much appreciated. I'm so glad I found this thread.

    Best Regards

  • If you are looking for 2008R2 and later, you can query a dmv for this info (throwing it out there due to the recent activity on this thread).

    SELECT *

    FROM sys.dm_server_services;

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Most excellent add to thread. The 2008 dm_server_services lists all services and works on 2012 as well.

  • Is there a an extra dmv I can add to sys.dm_server_services so I can use a query to highlight when an account is not a common domain account ? and also check for an associated logon

    If not would something like this work ?

    select servicename,service_account ,


    when service_account like '%LocalService%' then 'Local Service Account'

    when service_account like '%localsystem%' then 'Local System Account'

    when service_account like '%NT Service%' then 'NT Network Account'

    when service_account like '%NetworkService%' then 'NT Network Account'

    when service_account like '%Administrator%' then 'Local Admin Account'

    else 'Common Domain Account'

    End as 'Account Type',

    case when b.name is null then 'No Login'

    else 'Login Exists'

    end as 'Login Status'

    from sys.dm_server_services a

    left join syslogins b

    on a.service_account = b.name


    ~simon 🙂

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