Query to report on claim frequency per year and quarter

  • I have claims data in a database that I would like to report frequency for based on the life of the warranty.

    4 year warranty has 16 quarters in it (Y1Q1, Y1Q2, Y1Q3, Y1Q4, Y2Q1, Y2Q2 and so on)

    So if a warranty was purchased July 15th 2018 Y1Q1 would be July 15 2018 - Oct 14 2018 and Y1Q2 would be Oct 15 2018 - Jan 14 2019 and so on.

    If claims were made against the warranty on:

    Aug 5 2018

    Oct 2 2018

    May 3 2019

    Sep 24 2019

    I Need to show claims made during lifetime of the warranty...

    Warranty started on July 15 2018

    Given the claims data, that has them being made in

    Aug 5 2018 - Y1Q1

    Oct 2 2018 - Y1Q1

    May 3 2019 - Y1Q4

    Sep 24 2019 - Y2Q1

    My report would then have output like:

    Warranty: 111111

    Y1Q1Claims: 2

    Y1Q2Claims: 0

    Y1Q3Claims: 0

    Y1Q4Claims: 1

    Y2Q1Claims: 1

    Y2Q2Claims: 0

    Y2Q3Claims: 0

    Y2Q4Claims: 0

    My goal is to show frequency of claims for the lifetime of a warranty.

    What would be the best approach?


  • I think the following is the best approach:

    1. Use a tally table add a specific number of quarters to the purchase date.

      • Use range 0-17 so that you include both end points.

    2. Use LEAD() to calculate the end date of the quarter.

      • You want to use half-open intervals where the starting date is included in the interval, but the ending date is not.

    3. LEFT JOIN these results to the claim table.

      • The conditions should include that the claim date is greater than or equal to the start of the quarter (end point included) and less than the end of the quarter (end point excluded).

    4. Group base on claim identifier and quarter start date.

    If you want a tested script, please provide sample data for both the warranties and the claims tables and expected results.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • First - you have to calculate the quarter start and end dates and name for all relevant quarters for that warranty start date.  Once you have that you left join in the claims data to categorize each claim into one of the defined quarters.

    Declare @warrantyStart date = '20180715';

    Declare @claimsData Table (ClaimDate date);
    Insert Into @claimsData (ClaimDate)
    Values ('20180805'), ('20181002'), ('20190503'), ('20190924');

    Select *
    From @claimsData cd;

    With quarterDates
    As (
    Select StartDate = dateadd(month, t.n, @warrantyStart)
    , EndDate = dateadd(day, -1, dateadd(month, t.n + 3, @warrantyStart))
    , QuarterName = concat('Y', t.n / 12 + 1, 'Q', t.n / 3 % 4 + 1)
    From (Values (0),(3),(6),(9),(12),(15)) As t(n)
    Select qd.QuarterName
    , Claims = count(cd.ClaimDate)
    From quarterDates qd
    Left Join @claimsData cd On cd.ClaimDate Between qd.StartDate And qd.EndDate
    Group By

    This is an example for a single given date...it can be incorporated into your final query, something like this:

    Select wq.QuarterName
    , Claims = count(cd.ClaimDate)
    From WarrantStartDates w
    Cross Apply (Select StartDate = dateadd(month, t.n, w.WarrantyStartDate)
    , EndDate = dateadd(day, -1, dateadd(month, t.n + 3, w.WarrantyStartDate))
    , QuarterName = concat('Y', t.n / 12 + 1, 'Q', t.n / 3 % 4 + 1)
    From (Values (0),(3),(6),(9),(12),(15)) As t(n)
    ) wq
    Left Join ClaimsData cd On cd.ClaimsDate Between wq.StartDate And wq.EndDate
    Group By



    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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    Managing Transaction Logs

  • Here's some sample data.

    DECLARE @Warranty TABLE (WarrantyId int, EffectiveDate Date)
    DECLARE @Claims TABLE (WarrantyId int, ClaimDate Date)

    INSERT INTO @Warranty VALUES (1,'2016-11-21'),(2,'2017-01-04'),(3,'2017-05-13'),(4,'2018-10-28')
    INSERT INTO @Claims VALUES (1,'2016-12-08'),(1,'2017-9-24'),(1,'2018-03-06'),(2,'2018-06-03'),(2,'2018-06-21'),(2,'2018-07-11'),(2,'2019-02-16'),(2,'2019-10-12'),(4,'2018-11-02'),(4,'2019-5-30')

    I'd like to show output such as:

    WarrantyId   Y1Q1Claims  Y1Q2Claims  Y1Q3Claims

    1                     1                      0                      0

    and so on...

  • You just have to use what I provided and build a cross-tab:

    Declare @Warranty Table (WarrantyId int, EffectiveDate Date);
    Declare @Claims Table (WarrantyId int, ClaimDate Date);

    Insert Into @Warranty Values (1, '2016-11-21'), (2, '2017-01-04'), (3, '2017-05-13'), (4, '2018-10-28');

    Insert Into @Claims Values (1, '2016-12-08'), (1, '2017-09-24'), (1, '2018-03-06')
    , (2, '2018-06-03'), (2, '2018-06-21'), (2, '2018-07-11'), (2, '2019-02-16'), (2, '2019-10-12')
    , (4, '2018-11-02'), (4, '2019-05-30');

    Select w.WarrantyId
    , WarrantyStartDate = min(wq.StartDate)
    , WarrantyEndDate = max(wq.EndDate)
    , Y1Q1Claims = sum(Case When wq.QuarterName = 'Y1Q1' And cd.ClaimDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End)
    , Y1Q2Claims = sum(Case When wq.QuarterName = 'Y1Q2' And cd.ClaimDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End)
    , Y1Q3Claims = sum(Case When wq.QuarterName = 'Y1Q3' And cd.ClaimDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End)
    , Y1Q4Claims = sum(Case When wq.QuarterName = 'Y1Q4' And cd.ClaimDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End)
    , Y2Q1Claims = sum(Case When wq.QuarterName = 'Y2Q1' And cd.ClaimDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End)
    , Y2Q2Claims = sum(Case When wq.QuarterName = 'Y2Q2' And cd.ClaimDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End)
    , TotalClaims = (Select count(tc.ClaimDate) From @Claims tc Where tc.WarrantyId = w.WarrantyID)
    From @Warranty w
    Cross Apply (Select StartDate = dateadd(month, t.n, w.EffectiveDate)
    , EndDate = dateadd(day, -1, dateadd(month, t.n + 3, w.EffectiveDate))
    , QuarterName = concat('Y', t.n / 12 + 1, 'Q', t.n / 3 % 4 + 1)
    From (Values (0), (3), (6), (9), (12), (15)) As t(n)
    ) wq
    Left Join @Claims cd On cd.WarrantyId = w.WarrantyId
    And cd.ClaimDate Between wq.StartDate And wq.EndDate
    Group By

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • That's great...

    How about if there is an explicit expiry date set?

    So an example would be for Warranty1 effective date is 2016-11-21 and expirydate is 2021-11-21.

    So it would need 5 years (4 quarters each) anything into the future would be 0 but I would still be showing that in the output...

    This would be required as there are multiple warranties that have already expired but need the calculation for the lifetime of that warranty...


  • I was able to get it by adding the following to the CASE:

    And cd.ClaimsDateClosed between wq.StartDate and dateadd(q,1,wq.StartDate)

    Also the longest warranties we offer is 7 years so I added the appropriate values to my array in the cross apply and modified the StartDate and EndDate accordingly:

    StartDate = dateadd(month, t.n, w.EffectiveDate)
    , EndDate = w.ExpiryDate

    Thanks for all your help.

  • Not sure those changes will be enough...you need to expand the following:

    From (Values (0), (3), (6), (9), (12), (15)) As t(n)

    This needs to cover the full length of the longest warranty period...you can either build out the list of values or generate the list of values.

    Declare @Warranty Table (WarrantyId int, EffectiveDate Date, ExpiryDate date);
    Declare @Claims Table (WarrantyId int, ClaimDate Date);

    Insert Into @Warranty Values (1, '2016-11-21', '2021-11-21'), (2, '2017-01-04', '2020-01-04')
    , (3, '2017-05-13', '2022-05-13'), (4, '2018-10-28', '2021-10-28');

    Insert Into @Claims Values (1, '2016-12-08'), (1, '2017-09-24'), (1, '2018-03-06')
    , (2, '2018-06-03'), (2, '2018-06-21'), (2, '2018-07-11'), (2, '2019-02-16'), (2, '2019-10-12')
    , (4, '2018-11-02'), (4, '2019-05-30');

    With t(n)
    As (
    Select t.n
    From (
    Values (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0)) As t(n)
    Select w.WarrantyId
    , WarrantyStartDate = min(wq.StartDate)
    , WarrantyEndDate = max(w.ExpiryDate) -- max(wq.EndDate)
    , Y1Q1Claims = sum(Case When wq.QuarterName = 'Y1Q1' And cd.ClaimDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End)
    , Y1Q2Claims = sum(Case When wq.QuarterName = 'Y1Q2' And cd.ClaimDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End)
    , Y1Q3Claims = sum(Case When wq.QuarterName = 'Y1Q3' And cd.ClaimDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End)
    , Y1Q4Claims = sum(Case When wq.QuarterName = 'Y1Q4' And cd.ClaimDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End)
    , Y2Q1Claims = sum(Case When wq.QuarterName = 'Y2Q1' And cd.ClaimDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End)
    , Y2Q2Claims = sum(Case When wq.QuarterName = 'Y2Q2' And cd.ClaimDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End)
    , Y2Q3Claims = sum(Case When wq.QuarterName = 'Y2Q3' And cd.ClaimDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End)
    , Y2Q4Claims = sum(Case When wq.QuarterName = 'Y2Q4' And cd.ClaimDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End)
    , Y3Q1Claims = sum(Case When wq.QuarterName = 'Y3Q1' And cd.ClaimDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End)
    , Y3Q2Claims = sum(Case When wq.QuarterName = 'Y3Q2' And cd.ClaimDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End)
    , Y3Q3Claims = sum(Case When wq.QuarterName = 'Y3Q3' And cd.ClaimDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End)
    , Y3Q4Claims = sum(Case When wq.QuarterName = 'Y3Q4' And cd.ClaimDate Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End)
    , TotalClaims = (Select count(tc.ClaimDate) From @Claims tc Where tc.WarrantyId = w.WarrantyID)
    From @Warranty w
    Cross Apply (Select StartDate = dateadd(month, t.n, w.EffectiveDate)
    , EndDate = dateadd(day, -1, dateadd(month, t.n + 3, w.EffectiveDate))
    , QuarterName = concat('Y', t.n / 12 + 1, 'Q', t.n / 3 % 4 + 1)
    From (Select Top (datediff(quarter, w.EffectiveDate, w.ExpiryDate) + 1)
    (row_number() over(Order By @@spid) - 1) * 3 As rn
    From t t1, t t2
    ) As t(n)
    ) wq
    Left Join @Claims cd On cd.WarrantyId = w.WarrantyId
    And cd.ClaimDate Between wq.StartDate And wq.EndDate
    Group By


    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

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