query to search through different servers

  • Could someone please assist me


    Is their a way to search through different servers I have a query that searches for an owner of objects through different  databases in a server but i want it to run through different servers please assist

    here my current query : (it works) jus need it to run through diff servers please HELP

    EXEC sp_Msforeachdb @command1 =  -- Looks through all databases on server

    "Select o.name,u.name,o.uid

    from ?..sysusers u,?..sysobjects o

    where (u.name like '%nko98766'

    and o.uid = u.uid)"

  • Run this

    SELECT 'EXEC ['+srvname+'].master.dbo.sp_Msforeachdb @command1 =

    "Select o.name,u.name,o.uid

    from [?]..sysusers u,[?]..sysobjects o

    where (u.name like ''%nko98766''

    and o.uid = u.uid)"'

    FROM master.dbo.sysservers

    WHERE isremote=1 AND srvproduct='SQL Server'

    paste the results in a new window and execute

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • It doesnt seem to work even if i remoServer: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'EXEC'.

    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 4

    Line 4: Incorrect syntax near '%'.ve the single quotes i recieve thes errors

    Have any solution


  • It doesnt seem to work even if i remoServer: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'EXEC'.

    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 4

    Line 4: Incorrect syntax near '%'.ve the single quotes i recieve thes errors

    Have any solution


  • It works for me with SQL2K

    Did you copy and paste the query as is?

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Pasted as is

    it returns the whole select statement

  • It does go through all the servers but then returns the the entire select statement

    example this is what it returns: any help

    Exec [Testsrv3].Exec sp_Msforeachdb @command1 =  "Select o.name,u.name,o.uid   from [?]..sysusers u,[?]..sysobjects o   where (u.name = "moh60108"  and o.uid = u.uid)"

    Exec [BAN1].Exec sp_Msforeachdb @command1 =  "Select o.name,u.name,o.uid   from [?]..sysusers u,[?]..sysobjects o   where (u.name = "moh60108"  and o.uid = u.uid)"


  • The query returns queries that you paste into another QA window to execute.

    Sorry for any confusion

    If you want the query to execute the returned queries as well then I'd use a cursor like this

    DECLARE @srvname varchar(255)


    SELECT srvname FROM master.dbo.sysservers WHERE isremote=1 AND srvproduct='SQL Server'

    OPEN mycurs

    FETCH NEXT FROM mycurs INTO @srvname



        EXEC('EXEC [' + @srvname + '].master.dbo.sp_Msforeachdb @command1 =

    "Select o.name,u.name,o.uid

    from [?]..sysusers u,[?]..sysobjects o

    where (u.name like ''%nko98766''

    and o.uid = u.uid)"')

        FETCH NEXT FROM mycurs INTO @srvname


    CLOSE mycurs

    DEALLOCATE mycurs

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Alternatively if you want all the results in one table then

    DECLARE @srvname varchar(255)

    CREATE TABLE #temp (dbname sysname,oname sysname,uname sysname,uid smallint)


    SELECT srvname FROM master.dbo.sysservers WHERE isremote=1 AND srvproduct='SQL Server'

    OPEN mycurs

    FETCH NEXT FROM mycurs INTO @srvname



        INSERT INTO #temp (dbname,oname,uname,uid)

        EXEC('EXEC master.dbo.sp_Msforeachdb

    @command1 = "CREATE TABLE #temp2 (dbname sysname,oname sysname,uname sysname,uid smallint);

    INSERT INTO #temp2 (dbname,oname,uname,uid)

    SELECT ''?'',o.[name],u.[name],o.uid

    FROM [?].dbo.sysusers u

    INNER JOIN [?].dbo.sysobjects o

    ON o.uid = u.uid

    WHERE u.[name] like ''%nko98766'';

    SELECT dbname,oname,uname,uid FROM #temp2;DROP TABLE #temp2"')

        FETCH NEXT FROM mycurs INTO @srvname


    CLOSE mycurs

    DEALLOCATE mycurs

    SELECT dbname,oname,uname,uid FROM #temp

    DROP TABLE #temp

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • I realy apreciate you help thanks a lot i'm sure this must be becoming irritating

    but although the query runs but the correct results are not displayed and their is an error :

    (0 row(s) affected)

    (0 row(s) affected)

    Server: Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 1

    Could not find stored procedure 'master.dbo.sp_Msforeachdb'.

    I was playing around with the query, but i end up only executing the select statment for the current sever that it is running on.

    Thanks a lot for your help

    if you do come right with something else please share it with me

    Thanks a lot

  • Sorry my bad

    Try this

    DECLARE @srvname varchar(255)

    CREATE TABLE #temp (srvname sysname,dbname sysname,oname sysname,uname sysname,uid smallint)


    SELECT srvname FROM master.dbo.sysservers WHERE isremote=1 AND srvproduct='SQL Server'

    OPEN mycurs

    FETCH NEXT FROM mycurs INTO @srvname



        INSERT INTO #temp (srvname,dbname,oname,uname,uid)

        EXEC('EXEC [' + @srvname + '].master.dbo.sp_Msforeachdb

    @command1 = "CREATE TABLE #temp2 (srvname sysname,dbname sysname,oname sysname,uname sysname,uid smallint);

    INSERT INTO #temp2 (srvname,dbname,oname,uname,uid)

    SELECT d.srvname,d.dbname,ISNULL(o.[name],''''),ISNULL(u.[name],''''),ISNULL(o.uid,0)

    FROM (SELECT ''' + @srvname + ''' AS [srvname],''?'' AS [dbname]) d

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [?].dbo.sysusers u

    ON u.[name] like ''%nko98766''

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [?].dbo.sysobjects o

    ON o.uid = u.uid;

    SELECT srvname,dbname,oname,uname,uid FROM #temp2;DROP TABLE #temp2"')

        FETCH NEXT FROM mycurs INTO @srvname


    CLOSE mycurs

    DEALLOCATE mycurs

    SELECT srvname,dbname,oname,uname,uid FROM #temp

    DROP TABLE #temp

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Thanks a lot for your assistance I totally give up

    all these errors are just becoming to frustrating


    Thanks again!


    (Server: Msg 103, Level 15, State 7, Line 2

    The identifier that starts with 'CREATE TABLE #temp2 (srvname sysname,dbname sysname,oname sysname,uname sysname,uid smallint);

    INSERT INTO #temp2 (srvname,dbn' is too long. Maximum length is 128.

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