Query tuning

  • Hi All,

    I am new to query tuning.

    Can you please let know the process, steps which needs to take if any body comes to us and asks, that they have a query, its running for 5 mins, and we need to tune that query so that it should complete 1 or 2 mins.

    What should we need to take into the considerations.

    Thank You.

    Raghavender Chavva

  • Hi

    Your question is much like asking to summarize this entire forum into a few lines limited to that of a post.

    However, a good start is understanding a query plan. Since you have a query you can use the plan to delve deeper.

    First have a look at what all the operations mean in a query plan , this will introduce you to other concepts such as indexes , statistics and much more.

    Bol is a valueble resource for this info!

    Good luck!


  • Jannie-186227 (7/26/2011)


    However, a good start is understanding a query plan.

    Yes that is what is a good starting point.


    1. Analyse the query plan in case its a single query: Go through the query plan, identify what type of indexes are being used [clustered/non-clustered], what type of search on the indexes is being perfromed [seek, scan], what are the joins involved and what type of join algorithm is SQL Server using to resolve it, what datatypes are the comparisions being made on etc etc and the list goes on

    2.In case of a batch or SPROC, execute it and run a trace on the profiler with start and end time set so that you can catch the criminal query. Then you can take that single query and do tuning.

    There are some other environmental factors like , server load when the query is being run or the server by itself or the lockings involved , but these can be looked into at a later point of time.

  • People have written entire books on that. Literally.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • GilaMonster (7/26/2011)

    People have written entire books on that. Literally.

    Best answer so far.

    GilaMonster - you are best & real monster.

  • Adding to comments already made.

    1) Identify , whether it's a pre deployment or post deployment query. If pre- then it must be optimised, if post, then optimise if a problem.

    2) Analyse waits at the instance level

    3) Match waits with queues

    4)Drill down to the db level | process level

    5)Tune indexes and queries

    Aim to create a repeatable process - that at least , will give you an approach when problems arise.

    Jack Vamvas

  • You can visit this site and it will take you through a lot of the introductory steps. There is also a troubleshooting tool that can help to identify some of the basic performance issues/fixes.

    SQL Performance


    Webmaster at SQL Optimizations School

  • I don't you will be given time to read the books and do your work but it is good to follow those books.

    But for right now,

    Check query plan for any missing indexes on those table, you can find it by putting your query in DB tuning advisor for indexes.

    Check any query hints you can include to improve performance depends type of query.(Nolock), (Maxdop), with recompile if it is stored procedure.

    Check for changes you can make to query to get the same results with elimination unnecessary coding.

    If the datasets are really large and something you cannot do anything with that then what ever is there is good.


  • @SQLFRNDZ (7/26/2011)

    Check any query hints you can include to improve performance depends type of query.(Nolock), (Maxdop), with recompile if it is stored procedure.

    Nolock if you don't mind potentially incorrect, duplicate or missed data

    Maxdop if you've identified the problem is inappropriate parallelism and the query has been tuned as much as possible

    recompile if you've identified that the problem is coming from execution plans which are not optimal for all possible executions.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • M.Kahn (7/26/2011)

    GilaMonster (7/26/2011)

    People have written entire books on that. Literally.

    Best answer so far.

    GilaMonster - you are best & real monster.

    I can't agree more with you:-D . Her name is Gail but I always address her as Gila Monster. you just post a query for performance problem. She will smell it from far far distance and inform you in a single breathe about a implicit data conversions taking place causing poor performance. :hehe:

  • Let's take this from the top. Please post the actual execution plan. Table(s) DDL including indexes and keys.

    If you don't mind, I preffer aiming at sub-second times. I usually stop when my only option left is to buy faster servers.

  • Raghavender (7/25/2011)

    Hi All,

    I am new to query tuning.

    Can you please let know the process, steps which needs to take if any body comes to us and asks, that they have a query, its running for 5 mins, and we need to tune that query so that it should complete 1 or 2 mins.

    What should we need to take into the considerations.

    Ninja has asked you to provide some schema details. If your issue has been resolved, never mind else please post the schema. Ninja has been helpful to me too in the past!

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