querying the date field in sql2000: Urgent

  • I am doing an Assignment for my MSc Database design module. I am stuck with date query in sql server2000. I want to retrive rows assoicated with perticular date. I wrote a query:

    select * from Clinic where Date like '%09/12/2003%' its not working. please inform me any mistakes

    Sql server2000

  • There are many ways to filter (WHERE) on dates. The best way for you depends alot on the data, indexes and exactly what you want to query.


    Select * from Clinic
    Where DateDiff(dd, [Date], '9/12/2003') = 0


    -- If you want to take advantage of an index on your [Date] column...
    Select * from Clinic
    Where [Date] between '9/12/2003' and DateAdd (ss, -1, '9/13/2003')

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • Try this

    select * from Clinic where convert(char, Date, 112) = '20030912'

  • Thanks for the reply.

    Sql server2000

  • SELECT *

    FROM Clinic

    WHERE Date BETWEEN '20031209' and '20031210'

    ADICOHN, r u sure that this will always return only the data for 09 Dec 2003 ???

    If it is true, my querry which is taking 2 minutes to execute will take only 12 secs. I am always using convert(char, DATE, 112) before between in my querries to avoid the confusion of hours, minuts and secs.

  • Thank you AdiCohn. It is very helpful.

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